IIT Mandi Project Associate-I (One-JRF) Recruitment 2021


 IIT Mandi Project Associate-I (One-JRF) Recruitment 2021

||IIT Mandi Project Associate-I (One-JRF) Recruitment 2021||IIT Mandi Project Associate-I (One-JRF) Jobs 2021||

Online applications are invited for the post of a Project Associate-I (One-JRF) in a ICMR funded research project. 

Title of the project: High-resolution plasma proteomic and lipidomic analyses for fibrosisrelated metabolic assessment in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) patients in India: A MultiCenter based study 

Short description of the research project: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a clinical condition characterized by biventricular or left ventricular dilation and systolic impairment. DCM is one of the main contributors towards heart failure (HF) progression. Recent reports indicate that, deaths caused by DCM have been increasing in India in the last two decades. Although about 10% of the disease load have been explained by genetic mutations; the heterogenic pathophysiology of DCM has remained largely unexplained. Genetic, epigenetic, inflammation and several other stimuli can culminate towards the dilation of left ventricle of the heart leading to DCM. Due to its heteronomous etiology, timely clinical diagnosis becomes very challenging. Thus, there is a need for the discovery of new biomarkers of DCM in India. Currently, the state-of-the-art systems-biology based developments pose a new opportunity with extended capabilities for in-depth analyses of biofluids for the discovery of new biomarkers. This in turn will certainly improve the etiology driven personalized approach for clinical care in patients with DCM in India.

 Roles and Responsibilities of the candidate: The candidate must be comfortable with performing extensive fieldwork in coordinating clinical sites (IGMC-Shimla, AIIMS-New Delhi) with IIT-Mandi including: – Interaction with patients for recruitment in the study, sample transport, maintaining clinical records such as detailed filled questionnaire, consent forms, sample storage etc. The candidate needs to perform all the basic wet-lab experiments with the patient sample, help in the lab for preparing buffers and other related work, analyse data, and help in preparing reports

Investigator: Dr. Trayambak Basak (PI) Assistant Professor, School of Basic Sciences IIT Mandi, Kamand, Mandi -175 075 (H.P.) Website: @ProteomicsLab- IIT Mandi Fellowship : Maximum Rs. 31,000/- p.m + HRA as per guidelines (subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria) VPO Kamand, Mandi – 175075 Himachal Pradesh Tel: +91 1905-267826 Fax: +91 01905-267075 

Minimum Qualifications: M.Sc. in related branch of life Sciences with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA. Candidates with NET/GATE qualification and/or experience in working in plasma proteomics will be given preference in shortlisting for interview. 

Duration: Till 15th February, 2022. The selected candidate has to join immediately. On the basis of the performance the candidate’s tenured may be extended up to three years. The selected staff may be provided with an opportunity to pursue Ph.D. degree subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria and satisfying the academic selection norms.

 Age Limit: Maximum 28 years as on the date of advertisement. (SC/ST/OBC and physically handicapped candidates will be entitled for the relaxation in age limit as per the government norms) 

How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply with an updated resume (in PDF file) mentioning personal details and academic qualifications with the file name “ICMR_first name_last name” and email to the ID [email protected] (The subject line of the email should be ‘Application for the post of project associate’). The candidate should clearly mention the details about NET/GATE qualification (Year, rank, Score etc.) and work experience, if they have, in the resume.

 Important Dates and interview process: 

1. Last date of resume submission: 26th July 2021 

2. Merely fulfilling the eligibility requirement does not guarantee shortlisting for interview; additional criteria may be imposed for shortlisting. The shortlisted candidates will only be informed about the date and time of the online interview. (No information or communication will be made with candidates who are not shortlisted.)

 3. Details of online interview: The interview will be held online via Webex/Google hangout/Skype; date and time of the interview along with the meeting link will be shared by email to only shortlisted candidates. 

Terms and Conditions: 

  •  Project investigator will not be responsible for any miss communication/connectivity issue during online-interview session. Schedule of such session once decided will not be changed. 
  •  It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure all that he/she is well connected and present during allotted slot. The online interview committee will call the student during their allotted slot. 
  •  The decision of the selection committee regarding the interview logistics and selection process for the aforementioned post will be final. 
  •  The selected candidates will need to join the position immediately. Students should have all documents in original to support their resume and the same will be verified at VPO Kamand, Mandi – 175075 Himachal Pradesh Tel: +91 1905-267826 Fax: +91 01905-267075 the time of joining, if the candidate is selected. Failing to the verification of the documents will be subjected for the cancellation of the offer to the candidate. 
  •  After joining, the candidates may get institute accommodation based on availability as per institute norms. 
  •  The selection committee reserves the right to fill up or not fill up the advertised post. 
  •  For any further information, contact to PI at [email protected].


Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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