Daily Current Affairs 25 June 2021 In English


Daily Current Affairs 25 June 2021 In English

||National Current Affairs 25  June 2021||International Current Affairs 25  June 2021||Himachal Pradesh Current Affairs 25 June   2021||   

Daily Current Affairs 25 June 2021 In English

Q1. Who among the following has announced to prepare a draft of the new constitution for the country from July 2021?

A. Pakistan



D. China

 Q2. Which of the following has been recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work’ in India by the Great Place to Work Institute for the 15th consecutive year?


B. Cell



Q3. Who has been re-elected as the Prime Minister of Armenia?

A. Nicole Pashinyan

B. Karen Karapetyan

C. Anna Hakobyan

D. Ararat Mirzian

Q4. Which state government has launched ‘Aashirbad Yojana’ for the education, health and maintenance of children orphaned by Kovid-19?

A. Kerala

B. Karnataka

C.Madhya Pradesh

D. Odisha

Q5. Which cricketer has been appointed by renowned Chinese mobile maker OnePlus as the brand ambassador for its wearables category?

A. Shikhar Dhawan

B.Jasprit Bumrah

C. Rohit Sharma

D. Virat Kohli

Q6. Which of the following state has launched ‘Agricultural Diversification Scheme-2021’ to make agriculture sustainable and profitable in the tribal areas of the state?

A. Bihar

B. Haryana

C. Gujarat

D. Himachal Pradesh

Q7. Who topped the world’s 50 most generous people of the 20th century in the “EdelGive Hurun Philanthropists of the Century” released by Hurun Research and the EdelGive Foundation?

A.Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata

B. Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates

C. Henry Welcome

D. Howard Uses

Q8. Who has won the first “ICC World Test Championship 2019-21” title by defeating India?



C. West Indies

D. New Zealand

Q9. Which of the following country has successfully tested an aerial high-powered laser to shoot down drones recently?

A. India


C. Spain

D. Myanmar

Q10. Recently the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has approved Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary of which state as a Tiger Reserve?

A. Rajasthan

B. Bihar

C. Jharkhand

D. Karnataka

Q11. Which Indian airport has recently won the ‘Director General Role of Excellence Award’ of Airports Council International (ACI) for Airport Service Quality?

A. Jaiprakash Narayan Airport, Patna

B. Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL)

C. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad

D. Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi

Q12. Which of the following country has launched the world’s first exclusive ‘Green Rating System for High Speed ​​Rail’?

A. Russia

B. Britain

C. Fras

D. India

 Q13. According to a recent report published by the Natural History Museum in London, which country is home to the world’s largest variety of butterflies?

A. India

B. France

C. Colombia

D. China

Himachal Pradesh Current Affairs 25 June 2021

||hp current affairs 25 June  2021||hp 25 June 2021 current affairs||

Question 1: – Recently, how many lakhs have been given free domestic gas connections under the ‘Gharihini Suvidha’ scheme??

Answer :-2.92 lakh

Question 2: – Where will be the headquarters of NDRF Battalion??

Answer :- Mandi

Question 3: – At present the number of cows in Kullu district is about how many lakhs, which have become a source of additional income for more than 40 thousand families??

Answer :- 1.56 lakh 

Question 4: – Under the ‘Shagun’ scheme, how much assistance will be given in the form of marriage grant??

Answer: -31000 

Question 5: – The government is also giving special emphasis on meeting the information technology related needs of the rural population of the state, under which how many panchayats have been digitized??


Question 6:- What is the rank of Himachal Police in Passport Verification?

Answer :- First

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Daily Current Affairs 25 June 2021 In Hindi


Daily Current Affairs 25 June 2021 In Hindi

||National Current Affairs 25 June 2021||International Current Affairs 25 June 2021||Himachal Pradesh Current Affairs 25 June   2021||   

Daily Current Affairs 25 June 2021 In Hindi

Q1. निम्न में से किसने जुलाई 2021 से देश के लिए नए संविधान का मसौदा तैयार करने की घोषणा की है?

A. पाकिस्तान



D. चीन

 Q2. ग्रेट प्लेस टू वर्क इंस्टीट्यूट द्वारा भारत में किसे लगातार 15वें वर्ष ‘कार्य करने के लिए महान स्थान’ (Great Place to Work) के रूप में मान्यता दी गई है?


B. सेल

C. एनटीपीसी

D. एचएएल

Q3. आर्मेनिया के प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में फिर से किसे चुना गया हैं?

A. निकोल पाशिन्यान

B. करेन कारापेत्यान

C. एना हकोब्यान

D. अरारत मिर्जीयान

Q4. किस राज्य की सरकार ने कोविड-19 से अनाथ हुए बच्चों की शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य और भरण-पोषण के लिए ‘आशीर्बाद योजना’ शुरू की

A. केरल

B. कर्नाटक

C.मध्य प्रदेश

D. ओडिशा

Q5. प्रसिद्ध चायनीज मोबाइल निर्माता कंपनी वनप्लस (OnePlus) ने किस क्रिकेटर को अपनी वियरेबल्स श्रेणी के लिए ब्रांड एंबेसडर नियुक्त किया है?

A. शिखर धवन

B.जसप्रीत बुमराह

C. रोहित शर्मा

D. विराट कोहली

Q6. निम्न में से किस राज्य ने राज्य के आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में कृषि को टिकाऊ और लाभदायक बनाने के लिए ‘कृषि विविधीकरण योजना (Agricultural Diversification Scheme)-2021’ लांच किया है?

A. बिहार

B. हरियाणा

C. गुजरात

D. हिमाचल प्रदेश

Q7. हुरुन रिसर्च और एडेलगिव फाउंडेशन द्वारा जारी “EdelGive Hurun Philanthropists of the Century” में 20वीं सदी के दुनिया के 50 सबसे उदार व्यक्तियों में कौन शीर्ष पर हैं?

A.जमशेदजी नुसीरवानजी टाटा

B. बिल गेट्स और मेलिंडा फ्रेंच गेट्स

C. हेनरी वेलकम

D. हॉवर्ड यूजस

Q8. भारत को हराकर प्रथम “ICC वर्ल्ड टेस्ट चैंपियनशिप 2019-21″ का खिताब किसने जीत लिया है?



C. वेस्टइंडीज

D. न्यूजीलैंड

Q9. निम्न में से किस देश ने हाल ही में ड्रोन को मार गिराने वाले एक हवाई उच्च शक्ति वाले लेजर का सफलतापूर्वक परीक्षण किया है?

A. भारत


C. स्पेन

D. म्यांमार

Q10. हाल ही में राष्ट्रीय बाघ संरक्षण प्राधिकरण (NTCA) ने किस राज्य के रामगढ़ विषधारी वन्यजीव अभयारण्य को टाइगर रिज़र्व के रूप में मंजूरी दे दी है?

A. राजस्थान

B. बिहार

C. झारखण्ड

D. कर्नाटक

Q11. किस भारतीय एयरपोर्ट ने हाल ही में एयरपोर्ट सर्विस क्वालिटी के लिए एयरपोर्ट काउंसिल इंटरनेशनल (ACI) के ‘डायरेक्टर जनरल रोल ऑफ एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड’ जीता है?

A. जयप्रकाश नारायण एयरपोर्ट, पटना

B. कोचीन इंटरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट लिमिटेड (CIAL)

C. राजीव गांधी इंटरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट, हैदराबाद

D. इंदिरा गांधी इंटरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट, दिल्ली

Q12. निम्न में से किस देश ने दुनिया का पहला विशिष्ट ‘हाई स्पीड रेल के लिए ग्रीन रेटिंग सिस्टम’ लॉन्च किया है?

A. रूस

B. ब्रिटेन

C. फ्रास

D. भारत

 Q13. लंदन स्थित Natural History Museum द्वारा प्रकाशित एक हालिया रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, कौन-सा देश दुनिया की सबसे ज्यादा किस्म की तितलियों का घर है?

A. भारत

B. फ्रांस

C. कोलंबिया

D. चीन

Himachal Pradesh Current Affairs 25 June 2021

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Daily Current Affairs 24 June 2021 In English


Daily Current Affairs 24 June 2021 In English

||National Current Affairs 24  June 2021||International Cu rre nt Affairs 24  June 2021||Himachal Pradesh Current Affairs 24 June   2021||    

Daily Current Affairs 24 June 2021 In English

Q1. Which of the following country has declared the birthday of famous tennis player Rafael Nadal as ‘National Tennis Day’?

A. Servia

B. France

C. Austria

D. Spain

Q2. Who is the author of the book “My Joys and Sorrows: as a Mother of a Special Child” recently launched by Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan?

A. Dr. Krishna Saxena

B. Sumit Khanna

C. Rajesh Sethi

D. Nidhi Kumari

 Q3. Which of the following Indian has been awarded the prestigious “Central European University Open Society Award” for his commitment to public health services?

A. Dr. Harsh Vardhan

B. Prof. Sunita Sridhar

C. K. K. Shailja

D. Naina Agnihotri

Q 4. Justice Munishwar Nath Bhandari has been appointed as the acting Chief Justice of which High Court recently?

A. Delhi High Court

B. Kolkata High Court

C. Allahabad High Court

D. Patna High Court

 Q5. When is the “International Widow’s Day” observed every year?

A. 22 June

B. 23 June

C. 24 June

D. June 25

Q 6. Which crop has been identified by the Central Tuber Crop Research Institute (CTCRI) as an alternative feedstock source for ethanol production in India?

A. gram

B. Barley

C. Cassava (Tapioca)

D. soybeans

 Q7. ‘Yellow Gold 48’ which was recently launched in India is the first commercial variety of which crop?

A. Yellow Watermelon

B. Yellow Pomegranate

C. Yellow Apple

D. Yellow Jamun

Q8. Which Indian city has been ranked among the top five technology hubs in the Asia-Pacific region as per a report by Colliers?


B. Bangalore

C. New Delhi

D. Hyderabad

Q 9. Recently India and which country signed an MoU for cooperation in dairy, water, horticulture, farm mechanization and other agriculture allied sectors?

A. Russia

B. Ajaybaijan

C. Fiji

D. Armenia

Q10. Who is the author of the recently launched book ‘Habba Khatoon’?

A. Arvind Gaur

B. Kajal Suri

C. Navneet Pathak

D. none of these

Q11. Who among the following has been named the captain of the 16-member Olympic-bound Indian men’s hockey team for the Tokyo Olympics?

A. Gyanmeet Singh

B. Harmanpreet Singh

C. Birendra Lakra

D. Manpreet Singh

Q12. Where has the world’s first genetically modified rubber plant been planted recently?

A. Shimla

B. Guwahati

C. Dehradun

D. Gangtack

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Daily Current Affairs 24 June 2021 In Hindi

Daily Current Affairs 24 June 2021 In Hindi

||National Current Affairs 24 June 2021||International Current Affairs 24 June 2021||Himachal Pradesh Current Affairs 24 June   2021||    

Daily Current Affairs 24 June 2021 In Hindi

Q1. निम्न में से किस देश ने प्रसिद्ध टेनिस खिलाड़ी राफेल नडाल के जन्मदिन को ‘राष्ट्रीय टेनिस दिवस’ के रूप में घोषित किया है?

A. सर्विया

B. फ्रांस

C. ऑस्ट्रिया

D. स्पेन

Q2. हाल ही में केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्री डॉ हर्षवर्धन द्वारा लांच पुस्तक “My Joys and Sorrows: as a Mother of a Special Child” के लेखक कौन हैं?

A. डॉ कृष्णा सक्सेना

B. सुमित खन्ना

C. राजेश सेठी

D. निधि कुमारी

 Q3. निम्न में से किस भारतीय को सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं के प्रति उनकी प्रतिबद्धता के लिए प्रतिष्ठित “सेंट्रल यूरोपियन यूनिवर्सिटी ओपन सोसाइटी पुरस्कार” से सम्मानित किया गया है?

A. डॉ हर्षवर्धन

B. प्रो सुनिता श्रीधर

C. के. के. शैलजा

D. नैना अग्निहोत्री

Q 4. जस्टिस मुनीश्वर नाथ भंडारी को हाल ही में किस हाईकोर्ट का कार्यवाहक मुख्य न्यायाधीश नियुक्त किया गया है?

A. दिल्ली हाईकोर्ट

B. कोलकाता हाईकोर्ट

C. इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट

D. पटना हाईकोर्ट

 Q5. प्रत्येक वर्ष “अंतरराष्ट्रीय विधवा दिवस” (International widows Day) कब मनाया जाता है?

A. 22 जून

B. 23 जून

C. 24 जून

D. 25 जून

Q 6. केंद्रीय कंद फसल अनुसंधान संस्थान (CTCRI) ने भारत में इथेनॉल उत्पादन के लिए वैकल्पिक फीडस्टॉक स्रोत के रूप में किस फसल की पहचान की है?

A. चना

B. जौ

C. कसावा (टैपिओका)

D. सोयाबीन

 Q7. ‘येलो गोल्ड 48’ जिसे हाल ही में भारत में लॉन्च किया गया, किस फसल की पहली व्यावसायिक किस्म है?

A. पीला तरबूज

B. पीला अनार

C. पीला सेब

D. पीला जामुन

Q8. कोलियर्स की एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार एशिया-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र में शीर्ष पांच प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्रों में किस भारतीय शहर को जगह मिली है?


B. बेंगलुरू

C. नई दिल्ली

D. हैदराबाद

Q 9. हाल ही में भारत और किस देश ने डेयरी, जल, बागवानी, कृषि मशीनीकरण और अन्य कृषि संबद्ध क्षेत्रों में सहयोग के लिए एक समझौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किया?

A. रूस

B. अजयबैजान

C. फिज़ी

D. आर्मेनिया

Q10. हाल ही में लांच पुस्तक ‘हब्बा खातून’ (Habba Khatoon) के लेखक कौन हैं?

A. अरविंद गौर

B. काजल सूरी

C. नवनीत पाठक

D. इनमें से कोई नहीं

Q11. निम्न में से किसे टोक्यो ओलंपिक के लिए 16 सदस्यीय ओलंपिक-बाउंड भारतीय पुरुष हॉकी टीम का कप्तान बनाया गया है?

A. ज्ञानमीत सिंह

B. हरमनप्रीत सिंह

C. बिरेन्द्र लकड़ा

D. मनप्रीत सिंह

Q12. हाल ही में दुनिया का पहला आनुवंशिक रूप से संशोधित रबर का पौधा कहां लगाया गया है?

A. शिमला

B. गुवाहाटी

C. देहरादून

D. गैंगटक

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  • Total Questions:- 100 Questions
  • Time Period :- 02 Hours



There will be an objective type screening test of one paper consisting of 100 questions for two hours duration:- “80 questions of multiple choice of MBA Degree level with emphasis on personnel/HR, 10 Questions consisting of General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh and 10 Questions consisting of National and International affairs.”

CATEGORY CLAIMS:- The category of the candidate claimed in the profile before he/she applied for the posts shall be treated as final. In case his /her categoryundergoes a change before the last date notified for submission of Online Recruitment Applications form through ORAportal then the candidate shall have to cancel his/her previous application and apply afresh under the categorywhich he /she intends to claim after updating category in his/her profile. In such a situation the fees deposited by the candidate earlier shall stand forfeited and he/ she shall have to deposit fresh fees as is applicable for the category claimed by him/her.However in case of change in category which is beyond the control of the candidate at any stage during the recruitment process; provided he / she has not availed any relaxed standards in terms of age, experience, qualification etc., he / she will inform about it to the Commission within 15 days from the date of change in his / her category failing which no type of requests shall be entertained bythe Commission. S.C. of H P / S.T. of H P / O.B.C. of H P/ E.W.S. of H P/ W.F.F. of H P / Ex-Servicemen of H P and Physically Disabled of H P candidates must possess such certificates(s) in support of their claims made in the online recruitment applications while applying for the concerned post(s). If anyB.P.L. candidate applies for the post reserved for EWS categoryhe/she shall have to submit a valid B.P.L. certificate countersigned by the Block Development Officer and also a non-SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The benefit of reservation will be admissible on parental basis only. All the candidates belonging to reserved categories are also required to go through the relevant instructions of the Government of Himachal Pradesh issued from time to time in order to ensure that they are eligible under a particular category. The Statutorycertificates like bonafide Himachali, S.C.,S.T.,W.F.F.etc. issued on parental basis on the prescribed format are of permanent nature and are acceptable to the Commission.


(a) The candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh will have to furnish Discharge Certificate and full detail in respect of their P.P.O. No., Rank, and date of retirement from the Defence Services to claim the benefit of reservation for the categoryof Ex-Serviceman ofHimachal Pradesh.

 (b) The persons serving in the Armed Forces of the Union, who on retirement from service, would come under the category of “Ex-Serviceman” may be permitted to applyfor re-employment one year before the completion of the specified terms of engagement and avail themselves of all concessions available to ex-serviceman but shall not be permitted to leave the uniform until theycomplete the specified terms of engagement in the Armed Forces of the Union. 

2. WARDS OF EX-SERVICEMEN OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, i.e.DEPENDENT SONS,DAUGHTERS AND WIVES O FEX-SM OF H.P.:– Dependent sons, daughters & wives of Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh (Wards of Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh) mayapplyagainst the posts specifically reserved for Wards of Ex-Servicemen category(i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and wives) and not against the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen of H.P. in order to avoid rejection of their candidature at any later stage for the concerned posts. Candidates belonging to Wards of Ex-Servicemen category will have to submit a Dependent Certificate issued by the competent authority and a latest affidavit duly attested by the authority authorized under the Indian Oath Act to the effect that no person in the family has been rehabilitated through employment against the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen with the H.P. Govt./ Corporation/ Board/Autonomous BodyofH.P. as well as Central and other State/Union TerritoryGovernment or P.S.U./ Autonomous Body/ Banks etc. under the control of the said Central or other State / Union TerritoryGovernment. The daughters of Ex-Servicemen will also have to submit an undertaking to the effect that she is un-married and dependent upon her father in support of her category claim on the day of Personality Test. Married daughters will be admitted provisionally against the posts reserved for Ward of Ex. Serviceman on production of provisional Ward of Ex. Servicemen certificate issued by the competent authority as per instructions of the Govt. (Department of Personnel) Himachal Pradesh letter No. PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1/2013 dated 18th March, 2020. 

3.O.B.C. of H.P. (OTHERBACKWARDCLASSESOFHIMACHALPRADESH):– The candidates belonging to O.B.C. of H.P. categorymust produce O.B.C. certificate(s) on the prescribed format valid till there levant term of the Financial Year (i.e. 1 st April to 31 st March) as notified by the Government of Himachal Pradesh from time to time. Candidates must have a valid O.B.C. Certificate covering the entire period from last date of submission ofOnline Recruitment Applications till date of PersonalityTest/ evaluation along with an undertaking that his / her status as O.B.C. has not been changed and he / she has not been excluded from the categoryofO.B.C. ofH.P. on account of being covered under creamylayer. 

4. W.F.F.OF H.P. (WARDSOFFREEDOMFIGHTERSOFHIMACHALPRADESH):- For the posts reserved for Wards of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh (WFF of H.P.), sons/ grandsons/ daughters/ grand daughters of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh, who have been appointed on regular basis shall not be entitled for the benefits of reservation provided to the wards of Freedom fighters in Government services, against the identical posts in the same scale. The employed children/ grand children of Freedom Fighters will be deemed to have been excluded from the definition of Ward of Freedom Fighter for the purpose to this extent. The children/ grand children of Freedom fighters of Himachal Pradesh, who have been appointed in Govt. / Semi Govt. or Private Sector etc. services against the post(s) reserved for the wards of Freedom Fighters on regular basis will remain entitled to compete for higher rank/ grade posts/ services on the basis of reservation earmarked to the wards of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The un-married daughters/ grand daughters will have to submit an affidavit being spinster (un-married) in support of their claim(s) issued by the authorityauthorized under the Indian Oath Act. Other wise such candidates will be rejected straightway. Married daughters and Married granddaughters will be admitted provisionally against the posts reserved for WFF on production of provisional WFF certificate issued by the competent authority as per instructions of the Govt. (Department of Personnel) Himachal Pradesh letter No. PER(AP)-C-E(3)-1/2020 dated 17th March, 2020. 

5. E.W.S.OF H.P. (ECONOMICALLYWEAKERSECTIONSOFH.P.):- The benefit of reservation under the EWS category (other than SCs / STs / OBCs) in posts under the Government of Himachal Pradesh can be availed against the posts reserved for EWS categoryon production of an Income andAsset Certificate issued by the competent authority in the State of Government of Himachal Pradesh and also a non-SC/ ST/OBCcertificate issued bythe competent authority. The reservation to the categoryof EWSand (document to be submitted in support of claim), will be as per instructions issued by the Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) vide letter No.PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1/2019 dated 11 th June, 2019. If a BPL candidate applies for the post reserved for EWScategoryhe / she shall have to submit a valid BPL certificate countersigned bythe Block Development Officer and also a non-SC/ ST/OBCcertificate issued bythe competent authority. In case Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates is not available for selection. The vacancies will be treated automaticallyas de-reserved and will be filled up from a non EWScandidate of unreserved category.


(i) In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for personality test(s) by subjecting them to either Computer based Screening Test (objective-type) or Offline Screening Test (objective / descriptive) of two hours duration. Marks obtained in the Screening Test are only meant to short list the number of candidates for personality test(s) and are in no way to be presumed by the candidates as being their merit for final selection. Minimum pass marks in Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) are 25% for the candidates of General category and 20% for the candidates of reserved categories. Any correlation drawn by the candidates between their score in the Screening Test and final merit at a later stage is completely unwarranted. No representation(s) shall be entertained in this regard. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on the basis of his/ her performance in the Personality Test, which will be of maximum 100 marks. The minimum pass marks in personality test are 45 for the candidates of generalcategory and 35 marks for the candidates of reserved categories.


(a) Where selection is to be made on the basis of performance of the candidates having qualified the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive), before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate securing more marks in the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) will be placed above the candidate securing lesser marks in the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective / descriptive). In case the marks of Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) are equal then the candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age

 (b) Where selection is to be made purely on the basis of performance of the candidates before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. 

 (i) In the Computer Based Test (CBT) (objective type) there will be 100 questions of 01 mark each on the basis of syllabus approved by the Commission for the test. Each question will be followed by four (a, b, c, d) answer options. The candidate will have to click on the circle adjacent to the option he / she thinks is correct. The answer key of CBT (objective type) shall be uploaded online on the ‘MY EXAMINATION MY ONLINE REVIEW’ in the User IDs of all appeared candidates immediately after its conduct for inviting objection(s) for which 03 (three) days time from the day of publishing of answer key (day of publishing of the answer key plus 3 (three) next days upto 11.59 P.M. of the last date of receipt of objections after which the link will be disabled) shall be given to them to submit their objection(s) in online mode only. Objection(s) submitted in any other mode will not be entertained. The received objection(s), if any, will be got verified from the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter. Based on the opinion / decision of the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter to the objection(s) raised by the candidates the revised answer key shall be prepared & finalized. After finalization of answer key category-wise zone of consideration in the ratio of 1:4 in the case of 20 & above category-wise posts advertised, in the ratio of 1:5 in the case of 11 to 19 category-wise posts advertised and in the ratio of 1:6 + 3 in the case of 10 or less than 10 category-wise posts advertised will be prepared and provided by the Secrecy Cell on the basis of performance of the candidates in the CBT to check their eligibility by the Branch responsible for making direct recruitment on the basis of documents uploaded by them on the OTRS portal at the time of filling up of ORA. In case the number of candidate(s) to be declared qualified for personality test fall(s) below the prescribed ratio then to meet this shortfall an additional category wise zone of consideration as per requirement shall be prepared by the Secrecy Cell. In respect of the scrapped question(s) no credit to appeared candidates shall be given. The final answer key alongwith question paper shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the declaration of the result of the CBT. No objection(s) / representation(s) shall be entertained against the final answer key. 

(ii) In the offline Screening Test (objective type) (except Preliminary Examinations) there will be 100 questions of 01 mark each on the basis of  syllabus approved by the Commission for the test. Each question will be followed by four (a, b, c, d) answer options. The candidate will have to encircle / blacken the option he / she thinks is right / correct on the OMR answer sheet with blue / black ball pen. The answer key of offline Screening Test (objective type) shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the conduct of offline screening test for inviting objections from the appeared candidates for which 07 (seven) days time (day of publishing the key plus seven days upto 05.00 P.M. of the prescribed last date of receipt of objections) shall be given. The received objection(s), if any, will be got verified from the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter. Based on the opinion / decision of the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter to the objection(s) raised by the candidates the revised answer key shall be prepared & finalized. After finalization of answer key the OMR answer sheets of the candidates who appeared in the offline Screening Test shall be scanned in the OMR Scanner and evaluated by using the final answer key to prepare a category-wise zone of consideration in the ratio of 1:4 in the case of 20 & above category-wise posts advertised, in the ratio of 1:5 in the case of 11 to 19 category-wise posts advertised and in the ratio of 1:6 + 3 in the case of 10 or less than 10 category-wise posts advertised will be prepared by the Secrecy Cell on the basis of performance of the candidates in the offline Screening Test, to check their eligibility by the Branch responsible for making direct recruitment on the basis of documents uploaded by them on the OTRS portalat the time of filling up of ORA. In case the number of candidate(s) to be declared qualified for personality test fall(s) below the prescribed ratio i.e. six candidates for a single post and three candidates for every subsequent post then to meet this shortfall an additional zone of consideration as per requirement shall be prepared by the Secrecy Cell. In respect of scrapped question(s) no credit to appeared candidates shall be given. The final answer key shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the declaration of the result of the offline screening Test. No objection(s) / representation(s) shall be entertained against the final answer key.

 (iii) There will be negative marking for incorrect answers as per detail given below: 

(a) There are four alternatives for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. 

(b)If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question. 

(c) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. 

(d)Where there will be two correct answers instead of one correct answer out of four options of a question, all those candidates who will click / encode any one of these two correct answers will be awarded marks allotted to that question. 

2. In case of wrong encoding of Application Number, Roll Number or both by the candidate, the OMR (optical Mark Recognition) Sheet shall not be evaluated and shall be rejected straight away.


(i) The marks of all candidates (successful & unsuccessful) obtained by them in the screening test (CBT / Offline) / written (Preliminary & Main) examinations and Personality Tests (if appeared) including cut off marks in their category shall be made available in their login / User IDs by the Computer Cell on receipt of the same from the officer(s) dealing with Secrecy after declaration of the final result.

 (ii) For more information of candidates, HPPSC (PROCEDURE & TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS AND PROCEDURE FOR THE CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS & PERSONALITY TESTS ETC) RULES, 2021 is available on Commission’s website. 

 (iii) The eligibility of candidate(s) called for the Personality Test will be determined on the basis of original documents produced on the day of Personality Test and the Commission will not be responsible if the candidature of any candidate is rejected at that stage or at the time of verification by the Appointing Authority. As such, admission to the Screening Test/ Examination/ Personality Test shall be purely provisional.

 (iv) Summoning of the candidate(s) for Personality Test; conveys no assurance whatsoever that they will be selected or recommended. Appointment orders to the selected candidate(s) will be issued by the appropriate Appointing Authority. 

(v) If any person with disability requires scribe/ reader, having disability of 40% or more, he / she has to request for the same in writing to the Commission along with copy of disability certificate issued by the competent authority at least seven days prior to the screening test (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) for the concerned post. Such applications will be entertained on merit and as perrules.

 (vi). Re-checking/ re-evaluation, for the written examination(s)/ Screening Tests (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) will not be allowed in any case. (vii) Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.

Eligibility Conditions :-Full time graduate with MBA (HR/Personnel) or equivalent (Full time degree PGDM from IIMs is also equivalent.) with at least 50% marks in case of SC/ST/internal (HPPCL) candidates and 55% marks in case of other categories. Note:- Relaxation of 2% in qualification is admissible to all those candidates who have successfully completed Apprenticeship Training in HPPCL.

Desirable Qualification Knowledge of customs, manner and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

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  • Total Questions:- 100 Questions
  • Time Period :- 02 Hours



There will be an objective type screening test of one paper consisting of 100 questions for two hours duration:- “80 questions will be relating to Essential Qualification particularly focused on accountancy, 10 Questions consisting of General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh and 10 Questions consisting of National and International affairs.”

CATEGORY CLAIMS:- The category of the candidate claimed in the profile before he/she applied for the posts shall be treated as final. In case his /her categoryundergoes a change before the last date notified for submission of Online Recruitment Applications form through ORAportal then the candidate shall have to cancel his/her previous application and apply afresh under the categorywhich he /she intends to claim after updating category in his/her profile. In such a situation the fees deposited by the candidate earlier shall stand forfeited and he/ she shall have to deposit fresh fees as is applicable for the category claimed by him/her.However in case of change in category which is beyond the control of the candidate at any stage during the recruitment process; provided he / she has not availed any relaxed standards in terms of age, experience, qualification etc., he / she will inform about it to the Commission within 15 days from the date of change in his / her category failing which no type of requests shall be entertained bythe Commission. S.C. of H P / S.T. of H P / O.B.C. of H P/ E.W.S. of H P/ W.F.F. of H P / Ex-Servicemen of H P and Physically Disabled of H P candidates must possess such certificates(s) in support of their claims made in the online recruitment applications while applying for the concerned post(s). If anyB.P.L. candidate applies for the post reserved for EWS categoryhe/she shall have to submit a valid B.P.L. certificate countersigned by the Block Development Officer and also a non-SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The benefit of reservation will be admissible on parental basis only. All the candidates belonging to reserved categories are also required to go through the relevant instructions of the Government of Himachal Pradesh issued from time to time in order to ensure that they are eligible under a particular category. The Statutorycertificates like bonafide Himachali, S.C.,S.T.,W.F.F.etc. issued on parental basis on the prescribed format are of permanent nature and are acceptable to the Commission.


(a) The candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh will have to furnish Discharge Certificate and full detail in respect of their P.P.O. No., Rank, and date of retirement from the Defence Services to claim the benefit of reservation for the categoryof Ex-Serviceman ofHimachal Pradesh.

 (b) The persons serving in the Armed Forces of the Union, who on retirement from service, would come under the category of “Ex-Serviceman” may be permitted to applyfor re-employment one year before the completion of the specified terms of engagement and avail themselves of all concessions available to ex-serviceman but shall not be permitted to leave the uniform until theycomplete the specified terms of engagement in the Armed Forces of the Union. 

2. WARDS OF EX-SERVICEMEN OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, i.e.DEPENDENT SONS,DAUGHTERS AND WIVES O FEX-SM OF H.P.:– Dependent sons, daughters & wives of Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh (Wards of Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh) mayapplyagainst the posts specifically reserved for Wards of Ex-Servicemen category(i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and wives) and not against the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen of H.P. in order to avoid rejection of their candidature at any later stage for the concerned posts. Candidates belonging to Wards of Ex-Servicemen category will have to submit a Dependent Certificate issued by the competent authority and a latest affidavit duly attested by the authority authorized under the Indian Oath Act to the effect that no person in the family has been rehabilitated through employment against the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen with the H.P. Govt./ Corporation/ Board/Autonomous BodyofH.P. as well as Central and other State/Union TerritoryGovernment or P.S.U./ Autonomous Body/ Banks etc. under the control of the said Central or other State / Union TerritoryGovernment. The daughters of Ex-Servicemen will also have to submit an undertaking to the effect that she is un-married and dependent upon her father in support of her category claim on the day of Personality Test. Married daughters will be admitted provisionally against the posts reserved for Ward of Ex. Serviceman on production of provisional Ward of Ex. Servicemen certificate issued by the competent authority as per instructions of the Govt. (Department of Personnel) Himachal Pradesh letter No. PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1/2013 dated 18th March, 2020. 

3.O.B.C. of H.P. (OTHERBACKWARDCLASSESOFHIMACHALPRADESH):– The candidates belonging to O.B.C. of H.P. categorymust produce O.B.C. certificate(s) on the prescribed format valid till there levant term of the Financial Year (i.e. 1 st April to 31 st March) as notified by the Government of Himachal Pradesh from time to time. Candidates must have a valid O.B.C. Certificate covering the entire period from last date of submission ofOnline Recruitment Applications till date of PersonalityTest/ evaluation along with an undertaking that his / her status as O.B.C. has not been changed and he / she has not been excluded from the categoryofO.B.C. ofH.P. on account of being covered under creamylayer. 

4. W.F.F.OF H.P. (WARDSOFFREEDOMFIGHTERSOFHIMACHALPRADESH):- For the posts reserved for Wards of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh (WFF of H.P.), sons/ grandsons/ daughters/ grand daughters of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh, who have been appointed on regular basis shall not be entitled for the benefits of reservation provided to the wards of Freedom fighters in Government services, against the identical posts in the same scale. The employed children/ grand children of Freedom Fighters will be deemed to have been excluded from the definition of Ward of Freedom Fighter for the purpose to this extent. The children/ grand children of Freedom fighters of Himachal Pradesh, who have been appointed in Govt. / Semi Govt. or Private Sector etc. services against the post(s) reserved for the wards of Freedom Fighters on regular basis will remain entitled to compete for higher rank/ grade posts/ services on the basis of reservation earmarked to the wards of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The un-married daughters/ grand daughters will have to submit an affidavit being spinster (un-married) in support of their claim(s) issued by the authorityauthorized under the Indian Oath Act. Other wise such candidates will be rejected straightway. Married daughters and Married granddaughters will be admitted provisionally against the posts reserved for WFF on production of provisional WFF certificate issued by the competent authority as per instructions of the Govt. (Department of Personnel) Himachal Pradesh letter No. PER(AP)-C-E(3)-1/2020 dated 17th March, 2020. 

5. E.W.S.OF H.P. (ECONOMICALLYWEAKERSECTIONSOFH.P.):- The benefit of reservation under the EWS category (other than SCs / STs / OBCs) in posts under the Government of Himachal Pradesh can be availed against the posts reserved for EWS categoryon production of an Income andAsset Certificate issued by the competent authority in the State of Government of Himachal Pradesh and also a non-SC/ ST/OBCcertificate issued bythe competent authority. The reservation to the categoryof EWSand (document to be submitted in support of claim), will be as per instructions issued by the Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) vide letter No.PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1/2019 dated 11 th June, 2019. If a BPL candidate applies for the post reserved for EWScategoryhe / she shall have to submit a valid BPL certificate countersigned bythe Block Development Officer and also a non-SC/ ST/OBCcertificate issued bythe competent authority. In case Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates is not available for selection. The vacancies will be treated automaticallyas de-reserved and will be filled up from a non EWScandidate of unreserved category.


(i) In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for personality test(s) by subjecting them to either Computer based Screening Test (objective-type) or Offline Screening Test (objective / descriptive) of two hours duration. Marks obtained in the Screening Test are only meant to short list the number of candidates for personality test(s) and are in no way to be presumed by the candidates as being their merit for final selection. Minimum pass marks in Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) are 25% for the candidates of General category and 20% for the candidates of reserved categories. Any correlation drawn by the candidates between their score in the Screening Test and final merit at a later stage is completely unwarranted. No representation(s) shall be entertained in this regard. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on the basis of his/ her performance in the Personality Test, which will be of maximum 100 marks. The minimum pass marks in personality test are 45 for the candidates of generalcategory and 35 marks for the candidates of reserved categories.


(a) Where selection is to be made on the basis of performance of the candidates having qualified the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive), before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate securing more marks in the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) will be placed above the candidate securing lesser marks in the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective / descriptive). In case the marks of Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) are equal then the candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age

 (b) Where selection is to be made purely on the basis of performance of the candidates before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. 

 (i) In the Computer Based Test (CBT) (objective type) there will be 100 questions of 01 mark each on the basis of syllabus approved by the Commission for the test. Each question will be followed by four (a, b, c, d) answer options. The candidate will have to click on the circle adjacent to the option he / she thinks is correct. The answer key of CBT (objective type) shall be uploaded online on the ‘MY EXAMINATION MY ONLINE REVIEW’ in the User IDs of all appeared candidates immediately after its conduct for inviting objection(s) for which 03 (three) days time from the day of publishing of answer key (day of publishing of the answer key plus 3 (three) next days upto 11.59 P.M. of the last date of receipt of objections after which the link will be disabled) shall be given to them to submit their objection(s) in online mode only. Objection(s) submitted in any other mode will not be entertained. The received objection(s), if any, will be got verified from the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter. Based on the opinion / decision of the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter to the objection(s) raised by the candidates the revised answer key shall be prepared & finalized. After finalization of answer key category-wise zone of consideration in the ratio of 1:4 in the case of 20 & above category-wise posts advertised, in the ratio of 1:5 in the case of 11 to 19 category-wise posts advertised and in the ratio of 1:6 + 3 in the case of 10 or less than 10 category-wise posts advertised will be prepared and provided by the Secrecy Cell on the basis of performance of the candidates in the CBT to check their eligibility by the Branch responsible for making direct recruitment on the basis of documents uploaded by them on the OTRS portal at the time of filling up of ORA. In case the number of candidate(s) to be declared qualified for personality test fall(s) below the prescribed ratio then to meet this shortfall an additional category wise zone of consideration as per requirement shall be prepared by the Secrecy Cell. In respect of the scrapped question(s) no credit to appeared candidates shall be given. The final answer key alongwith question paper shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the declaration of the result of the CBT. No objection(s) / representation(s) shall be entertained against the final answer key. 

(ii) In the offline Screening Test (objective type) (except Preliminary Examinations) there will be 100 questions of 01 mark each on the basis of  syllabus approved by the Commission for the test. Each question will be followed by four (a, b, c, d) answer options. The candidate will have to encircle / blacken the option he / she thinks is right / correct on the OMR answer sheet with blue / black ball pen. The answer key of offline Screening Test (objective type) shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the conduct of offline screening test for inviting objections from the appeared candidates for which 07 (seven) days time (day of publishing the key plus seven days upto 05.00 P.M. of the prescribed last date of receipt of objections) shall be given. The received objection(s), if any, will be got verified from the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter. Based on the opinion / decision of the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter to the objection(s) raised by the candidates the revised answer key shall be prepared & finalized. After finalization of answer key the OMR answer sheets of the candidates who appeared in the offline Screening Test shall be scanned in the OMR Scanner and evaluated by using the final answer key to prepare a category-wise zone of consideration in the ratio of 1:4 in the case of 20 & above category-wise posts advertised, in the ratio of 1:5 in the case of 11 to 19 category-wise posts advertised and in the ratio of 1:6 + 3 in the case of 10 or less than 10 category-wise posts advertised will be prepared by the Secrecy Cell on the basis of performance of the candidates in the offline Screening Test, to check their eligibility by the Branch responsible for making direct recruitment on the basis of documents uploaded by them on the OTRS portalat the time of filling up of ORA. In case the number of candidate(s) to be declared qualified for personality test fall(s) below the prescribed ratio i.e. six candidates for a single post and three candidates for every subsequent post then to meet this shortfall an additional zone of consideration as per requirement shall be prepared by the Secrecy Cell. In respect of scrapped question(s) no credit to appeared candidates shall be given. The final answer key shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the declaration of the result of the offline screening Test. No objection(s) / representation(s) shall be entertained against the final answer key.

 (iii) There will be negative marking for incorrect answers as per detail given below: 

(a) There are four alternatives for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. 

(b)If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question. 

(c) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. 

(d)Where there will be two correct answers instead of one correct answer out of four options of a question, all those candidates who will click / encode any one of these two correct answers will be awarded marks allotted to that question. 

2. In case of wrong encoding of Application Number, Roll Number or both by the candidate, the OMR (optical Mark Recognition) Sheet shall not be evaluated and shall be rejected straight away.


(i) The marks of all candidates (successful & unsuccessful) obtained by them in the screening test (CBT / Offline) / written (Preliminary & Main) examinations and Personality Tests (if appeared) including cut off marks in their category shall be made available in their login / User IDs by the Computer Cell on receipt of the same from the officer(s) dealing with Secrecy after declaration of the final result.

 (ii) For more information of candidates, HPPSC (PROCEDURE & TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS AND PROCEDURE FOR THE CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS & PERSONALITY TESTS ETC) RULES, 2021 is available on Commission’s website. 

 (iii) The eligibility of candidate(s) called for the Personality Test will be determined on the basis of original documents produced on the day of Personality Test and the Commission will not be responsible if the candidature of any candidate is rejected at that stage or at the time of verification by the Appointing Authority. As such, admission to the Screening Test/ Examination/ Personality Test shall be purely provisional.

 (iv) Summoning of the candidate(s) for Personality Test; conveys no assurance whatsoever that they will be selected or recommended. Appointment orders to the selected candidate(s) will be issued by the appropriate Appointing Authority. 

(v) If any person with disability requires scribe/ reader, having disability of 40% or more, he / she has to request for the same in writing to the Commission along with copy of disability certificate issued by the competent authority at least seven days prior to the screening test (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) for the concerned post. Such applications will be entertained on merit and as perrules.

 (vi). Re-checking/ re-evaluation, for the written examination(s)/ Screening Tests (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) will not be allowed in any case. (vii) Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.

Eligibility Conditions :-Full Time CA/ICWA/M.Com/MBA (Finance) with B.Com from a recognized University / Institute with at least 50% marks in case of SC/ST/internal (HPPCL) candidates and 55% marks in case of other categories. 

Note-I: Candidates with M.Com/ MBA (Finance) should have also passed B.Com at Graduation level. 

Note-II: Relaxation of 2% in qualification is admissible to all those candidates who have successfully completed Apprenticeship Training in HPPCL.

Desirable Qualification Knowledge of customs, manner and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

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  • Total Questions:- 100 Questions
  • Time Period :- 02 Hours



There will be an objective type screening test of one paper consisting of 100 questions for two hours duration:- “80 questions of multiple choice of covering syllabus of Criminal law & Civil law of Bachelor degree level, 10 Questions consisting of General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh and 10 Questions consisting of National and International affairs.”

CATEGORY CLAIMS:- The category of the candidate claimed in the profile before he/she applied for the posts shall be treated as final. In case his /her categoryundergoes a change before the last date notified for submission of Online Recruitment Applications form through ORAportal then the candidate shall have to cancel his/her previous application and apply afresh under the categorywhich he /she intends to claim after updating category in his/her profile. In such a situation the fees deposited by the candidate earlier shall stand forfeited and he/ she shall have to deposit fresh fees as is applicable for the category claimed by him/her.However in case of change in category which is beyond the control of the candidate at any stage during the recruitment process; provided he / she has not availed any relaxed standards in terms of age, experience, qualification etc., he / she will inform about it to the Commission within 15 days from the date of change in his / her category failing which no type of requests shall be entertained bythe Commission. S.C. of H P / S.T. of H P / O.B.C. of H P/ E.W.S. of H P/ W.F.F. of H P / Ex-Servicemen of H P and Physically Disabled of H P candidates must possess such certificates(s) in support of their claims made in the online recruitment applications while applying for the concerned post(s). If anyB.P.L. candidate applies for the post reserved for EWS categoryhe/she shall have to submit a valid B.P.L. certificate countersigned by the Block Development Officer and also a non-SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The benefit of reservation will be admissible on parental basis only. All the candidates belonging to reserved categories are also required to go through the relevant instructions of the Government of Himachal Pradesh issued from time to time in order to ensure that they are eligible under a particular category. The Statutorycertificates like bonafide Himachali, S.C.,S.T.,W.F.F.etc. issued on parental basis on the prescribed format are of permanent nature and are acceptable to the Commission.


(a) The candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh will have to furnish Discharge Certificate and full detail in respect of their P.P.O. No., Rank, and date of retirement from the Defence Services to claim the benefit of reservation for the categoryof Ex-Serviceman ofHimachal Pradesh.

 (b) The persons serving in the Armed Forces of the Union, who on retirement from service, would come under the category of “Ex-Serviceman” may be permitted to applyfor re-employment one year before the completion of the specified terms of engagement and avail themselves of all concessions available to ex-serviceman but shall not be permitted to leave the uniform until theycomplete the specified terms of engagement in the Armed Forces of the Union. 

2. WARDS OF EX-SERVICEMEN OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, i.e.DEPENDENT SONS,DAUGHTERS AND WIVES O FEX-SM OF H.P.:– Dependent sons, daughters & wives of Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh (Wards of Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh) mayapplyagainst the posts specifically reserved for Wards of Ex-Servicemen category(i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and wives) and not against the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen of H.P. in order to avoid rejection of their candidature at any later stage for the concerned posts. Candidates belonging to Wards of Ex-Servicemen category will have to submit a Dependent Certificate issued by the competent authority and a latest affidavit duly attested by the authority authorized under the Indian Oath Act to the effect that no person in the family has been rehabilitated through employment against the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen with the H.P. Govt./ Corporation/ Board/Autonomous BodyofH.P. as well as Central and other State/Union TerritoryGovernment or P.S.U./ Autonomous Body/ Banks etc. under the control of the said Central or other State / Union TerritoryGovernment. The daughters of Ex-Servicemen will also have to submit an undertaking to the effect that she is un-married and dependent upon her father in support of her category claim on the day of Personality Test. Married daughters will be admitted provisionally against the posts reserved for Ward of Ex. Serviceman on production of provisional Ward of Ex. Servicemen certificate issued by the competent authority as per instructions of the Govt. (Department of Personnel) Himachal Pradesh letter No. PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1/2013 dated 18th March, 2020. 

3.O.B.C. of H.P. (OTHERBACKWARDCLASSESOFHIMACHALPRADESH):– The candidates belonging to O.B.C. of H.P. categorymust produce O.B.C. certificate(s) on the prescribed format valid till there levant term of the Financial Year (i.e. 1 st April to 31 st March) as notified by the Government of Himachal Pradesh from time to time. Candidates must have a valid O.B.C. Certificate covering the entire period from last date of submission ofOnline Recruitment Applications till date of PersonalityTest/ evaluation along with an undertaking that his / her status as O.B.C. has not been changed and he / she has not been excluded from the categoryofO.B.C. ofH.P. on account of being covered under creamylayer. 

4. W.F.F.OF H.P. (WARDSOFFREEDOMFIGHTERSOFHIMACHALPRADESH):- For the posts reserved for Wards of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh (WFF of H.P.), sons/ grandsons/ daughters/ grand daughters of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh, who have been appointed on regular basis shall not be entitled for the benefits of reservation provided to the wards of Freedom fighters in Government services, against the identical posts in the same scale. The employed children/ grand children of Freedom Fighters will be deemed to have been excluded from the definition of Ward of Freedom Fighter for the purpose to this extent. The children/ grand children of Freedom fighters of Himachal Pradesh, who have been appointed in Govt. / Semi Govt. or Private Sector etc. services against the post(s) reserved for the wards of Freedom Fighters on regular basis will remain entitled to compete for higher rank/ grade posts/ services on the basis of reservation earmarked to the wards of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The un-married daughters/ grand daughters will have to submit an affidavit being spinster (un-married) in support of their claim(s) issued by the authorityauthorized under the Indian Oath Act. Other wise such candidates will be rejected straightway. Married daughters and Married granddaughters will be admitted provisionally against the posts reserved for WFF on production of provisional WFF certificate issued by the competent authority as per instructions of the Govt. (Department of Personnel) Himachal Pradesh letter No. PER(AP)-C-E(3)-1/2020 dated 17th March, 2020. 

5. E.W.S.OF H.P. (ECONOMICALLYWEAKERSECTIONSOFH.P.):- The benefit of reservation under the EWS category (other than SCs / STs / OBCs) in posts under the Government of Himachal Pradesh can be availed against the posts reserved for EWS categoryon production of an Income andAsset Certificate issued by the competent authority in the State of Government of Himachal Pradesh and also a non-SC/ ST/OBCcertificate issued bythe competent authority. The reservation to the categoryof EWSand (document to be submitted in support of claim), will be as per instructions issued by the Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) vide letter No.PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1/2019 dated 11 th June, 2019. If a BPL candidate applies for the post reserved for EWScategoryhe / she shall have to submit a valid BPL certificate countersigned bythe Block Development Officer and also a non-SC/ ST/OBCcertificate issued bythe competent authority. In case Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates is not available for selection. The vacancies will be treated automaticallyas de-reserved and will be filled up from a non EWScandidate of unreserved category.


(i) In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for personality test(s) by subjecting them to either Computer based Screening Test (objective-type) or Offline Screening Test (objective / descriptive) of two hours duration. Marks obtained in the Screening Test are only meant to short list the number of candidates for personality test(s) and are in no way to be presumed by the candidates as being their merit for final selection. Minimum pass marks in Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) are 25% for the candidates of General category and 20% for the candidates of reserved categories. Any correlation drawn by the candidates between their score in the Screening Test and final merit at a later stage is completely unwarranted. No representation(s) shall be entertained in this regard. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on the basis of his/ her performance in the Personality Test, which will be of maximum 100 marks. The minimum pass marks in personality test are 45 for the candidates of generalcategory and 35 marks for the candidates of reserved categories.


(a) Where selection is to be made on the basis of performance of the candidates having qualified the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive), before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate securing more marks in the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) will be placed above the candidate securing lesser marks in the Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective / descriptive). In case the marks of Computer Based Test / Offline Test (objective or descriptive) are equal then the candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age

 (b) Where selection is to be made purely on the basis of performance of the candidates before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. 

 (i) In the Computer Based Test (CBT) (objective type) there will be 100 questions of 01 mark each on the basis of syllabus approved by the Commission for the test. Each question will be followed by four (a, b, c, d) answer options. The candidate will have to click on the circle adjacent to the option he / she thinks is correct. The answer key of CBT (objective type) shall be uploaded online on the ‘MY EXAMINATION MY ONLINE REVIEW’ in the User IDs of all appeared candidates immediately after its conduct for inviting objection(s) for which 03 (three) days time from the day of publishing of answer key (day of publishing of the answer key plus 3 (three) next days upto 11.59 P.M. of the last date of receipt of objections after which the link will be disabled) shall be given to them to submit their objection(s) in online mode only. Objection(s) submitted in any other mode will not be entertained. The received objection(s), if any, will be got verified from the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter. Based on the opinion / decision of the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter to the objection(s) raised by the candidates the revised answer key shall be prepared & finalized. After finalization of answer key category-wise zone of consideration in the ratio of 1:4 in the case of 20 & above category-wise posts advertised, in the ratio of 1:5 in the case of 11 to 19 category-wise posts advertised and in the ratio of 1:6 + 3 in the case of 10 or less than 10 category-wise posts advertised will be prepared and provided by the Secrecy Cell on the basis of performance of the candidates in the CBT to check their eligibility by the Branch responsible for making direct recruitment on the basis of documents uploaded by them on the OTRS portal at the time of filling up of ORA. In case the number of candidate(s) to be declared qualified for personality test fall(s) below the prescribed ratio then to meet this shortfall an additional category wise zone of consideration as per requirement shall be prepared by the Secrecy Cell. In respect of the scrapped question(s) no credit to appeared candidates shall be given. The final answer key alongwith question paper shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the declaration of the result of the CBT. No objection(s) / representation(s) shall be entertained against the final answer key. 

(ii) In the offline Screening Test (objective type) (except Preliminary Examinations) there will be 100 questions of 01 mark each on the basis of  syllabus approved by the Commission for the test. Each question will be followed by four (a, b, c, d) answer options. The candidate will have to encircle / blacken the option he / she thinks is right / correct on the OMR answer sheet with blue / black ball pen. The answer key of offline Screening Test (objective type) shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the conduct of offline screening test for inviting objections from the appeared candidates for which 07 (seven) days time (day of publishing the key plus seven days upto 05.00 P.M. of the prescribed last date of receipt of objections) shall be given. The received objection(s), if any, will be got verified from the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter. Based on the opinion / decision of the concerned Subject Expert / Paper Setter to the objection(s) raised by the candidates the revised answer key shall be prepared & finalized. After finalization of answer key the OMR answer sheets of the candidates who appeared in the offline Screening Test shall be scanned in the OMR Scanner and evaluated by using the final answer key to prepare a category-wise zone of consideration in the ratio of 1:4 in the case of 20 & above category-wise posts advertised, in the ratio of 1:5 in the case of 11 to 19 category-wise posts advertised and in the ratio of 1:6 + 3 in the case of 10 or less than 10 category-wise posts advertised will be prepared by the Secrecy Cell on the basis of performance of the candidates in the offline Screening Test, to check their eligibility by the Branch responsible for making direct recruitment on the basis of documents uploaded by them on the OTRS portalat the time of filling up of ORA. In case the number of candidate(s) to be declared qualified for personality test fall(s) below the prescribed ratio i.e. six candidates for a single post and three candidates for every subsequent post then to meet this shortfall an additional zone of consideration as per requirement shall be prepared by the Secrecy Cell. In respect of scrapped question(s) no credit to appeared candidates shall be given. The final answer key shall be uploaded on the website of the Commission immediately after the declaration of the result of the offline screening Test. No objection(s) / representation(s) shall be entertained against the final answer key.

 (iii) There will be negative marking for incorrect answers as per detail given below: 

(a) There are four alternatives for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. 

(b)If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question. 

(c) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. 

(d)Where there will be two correct answers instead of one correct answer out of four options of a question, all those candidates who will click / encode any one of these two correct answers will be awarded marks allotted to that question. 

2. In case of wrong encoding of Application Number, Roll Number or both by the candidate, the OMR (optical Mark Recognition) Sheet shall not be evaluated and shall be rejected straight away.


(i) The marks of all candidates (successful & unsuccessful) obtained by them in the screening test (CBT / Offline) / written (Preliminary & Main) examinations and Personality Tests (if appeared) including cut off marks in their category shall be made available in their login / User IDs by the Computer Cell on receipt of the same from the officer(s) dealing with Secrecy after declaration of the final result.

 (ii) For more information of candidates, HPPSC (PROCEDURE & TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS AND PROCEDURE FOR THE CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS & PERSONALITY TESTS ETC) RULES, 2021 is available on Commission’s website. 

 (iii) The eligibility of candidate(s) called for the Personality Test will be determined on the basis of original documents produced on the day of Personality Test and the Commission will not be responsible if the candidature of any candidate is rejected at that stage or at the time of verification by the Appointing Authority. As such, admission to the Screening Test/ Examination/ Personality Test shall be purely provisional.

 (iv) Summoning of the candidate(s) for Personality Test; conveys no assurance whatsoever that they will be selected or recommended. Appointment orders to the selected candidate(s) will be issued by the appropriate Appointing Authority. 

(v) If any person with disability requires scribe/ reader, having disability of 40% or more, he / she has to request for the same in writing to the Commission along with copy of disability certificate issued by the competent authority at least seven days prior to the screening test (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) for the concerned post. Such applications will be entertained on merit and as perrules.

 (vi). Re-checking/ re-evaluation, for the written examination(s)/ Screening Tests (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) will not be allowed in any case. (vii) Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.

Eligibility Conditions :-Full Time Graduate Degree in Law from a recognized University/Institutewith two (2) years experience with at least 50% marks in case of SC/ST/internal (HPPCL) candidates and 55% marks in case of other categories.

 Note -I Two years experience as an advocate. The candidate is required to produce experience certificate duly signed by the President, Bar Association of concerned Court. 

Note-II Relaxation of 2% in qualification is admissible to all those candidates who have successfully completed Apprenticeship Training in HPPCL 

Desirable Qualification Knowledge of customs, manner and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

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