Atal Institute of Medical Super Specialities Shimla Senior Resident/Tutor Specialist Recruitment 2022


Atal Institute of Medical Super Specialities Shimla  Senior Resident/Tutor Specialist Recruitment 2022

||Atal Institute of Medical Super Specialities Shimla  Senior Resident/Tutor Specialist Recruitment 2022||Atal Institute of Medical Super Specialities Shimla  Senior Resident/Tutor Specialist Jobs Notification 2022||IGMC Senior Resident/Tutor Specialist Recruitment 2022||

The applications are invited from the eligible candidates fulfilling the requisite qualifications and other eligibility conditions on the prescribed application form as per Appendix-‘A’ for the posts of Senior Residents/ Tutor Specialists/ Tutor General in Atal Institute of Medical Super Specialities Shimla District Shimla (H.P). The last date by which the interested candidates are required to submit their application forms duly filled in all respects in the office of the Principal, AIMSS Shimla is 11.07.2022 upto 5.00 PM through registered post or by hand, alongwith the requisite application fees Rs.1500/- for General Category and Rs. 1000/- for reserved Category through Demand Draft in the favour of Principal, AIMSS Shimla. No application will be entertained beyond the last date i.e. 11.07.2022. The counseling for the same shall be conducted on dated 25.07.2022 at 11:00 AM in the Committee hall at IGMC Shimla. These recruitments & appointments shall be subject to the outcome of the associated/ongoing cases in the Hon’ble Courts of Law. The specialty wise/ vacancy (Appendix-B), eligibility criteria and other terms & conditions of selection/appointment can be seen as well as downloaded from the website of The candidates should regularly remain in touch with the website for further changes, if any. Any other information will also be conveyed through the said website.





  • For Clinical Subjects:- Post Graduate (MD/MS/MDS) or DNB in the concerned specialty from a University/ Institution recognized/ permitted by the NMC/ Dental Council of India (DCI); failing which the PG Diploma (MD/MS/MDS) in the concerned specialty recognized/ permitted by the NMC/ DCI. 
  • For non-clinical subjects:- Recognized MD/MS/DNB in the concerned specialty or qualifications as prescribed in the concerned specialty by the Himachal Pradesh Medical Education Service Rules notified by the State Government from time to time. Provided that the percentage of Tutor Specialists in non-clinical subjects from non-medical backgrounds shall not exceed the limit prescribed as per the norms fixed by NMC. Provided further that minimum one year in field posting or any such period prescribed by the PG/SS policy as notified from time to time before being eligible for Senior Residency shall be exempted to become eligible for Senior Residency inrespect of newly opened Government Medical Colleges/ Institutions of the State in view of the shortage of faculties/Resident Doctors and in order to meet out the deficiency pointed out by the NMC
Age Limit: 45 Years and below:- 

(a) Provided that the upper age limit will not be applicable to the candidate already in service of the Government including those who have been appointed on ad-hoc or on contract basis by the Government. However, inservice candidates must have at least five years of service left at the time of appointment as Senior Resident/ Tutor Specialist. 

(b) Provided further that in case sufficient numbers of candidates are not available during selection process/counselling, then direct candidates more than 45 years may be considered for selection against advertised vacancies of Senior Resident/ Tutor Specialist.

 (c) Provided further that upper age limit is relaxable for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Other categories of persons to the extent permissible under the general or special order(s) of the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

 (d) Age limit for direct recruitment will be reckoned on the first day of the year in which the post(s) are advertised for inviting application.

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