Cantonment Board Subathu (Solan) Doctor Recruitment 2024:-Applications are invited from the medical practitioners for the engagement of a doctor (General Physician) for Cantonment General Hospital, Cantonment Board Subathu, Distt. Solan (H.P.) purely on contract basis.
2. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: – a) Candidate should be MBBS from a recognized university. b) Preference will be given to experienced candidate.
3. THE APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE:- Complete resume, copy of MBBS/MD & experience certificates. Other specialization if any.
4. Monthly remunerations will be paid as applicable in the department of Health & Family Welfare to the Govt. of HP.
5. For Clarification: – Please contact the Office Superintendent, Cantt. Board, Subathu, Distt- Solan (H.P)-173206, Tel No. 01792-275025, Email id – [email protected]
6. The candidates fulfilling the above criteria and intending for providing their services to Cantonment Board Subathu may submit application in a sealed envelope along with the prescribed documents to the office of the Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, Subathu, Distt-Solan (H.P) on or before 29.02.2024.

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