Computer Questions Answers for Competitive Exams Set-2


Computer Questions  Answers for Competitive Exams Set-2

||Computer Questions  and Answers for Competitive Exams Set-2||Computer Questions  Answers for JOA IT,Computer operator & other exams||important computer related question answer||

 16. The Napier’s technology used for calculation called

(A) Naptologia

 (B) Vibologia

(C) Semiconductor

 (D) Rabdologia

17. Pascaline is also known by

(A) abacus

(B) adding machine

(C) division machine

 (D) difference machine

18. Punched cards were first introduced by

(A) Powers

(B) Pascal

(C) Jacquard

(D) Herman Hollerith

(E) None of these

19. Which of the following is known as father of computer?

(A) Dennis Ritchie

 (B) Napier

(C) Charles Babbage

 (D) Alan Turing

20. Analytical Engine developed by

(A) Blaise Pascal 

(B) Charles Babbage

(C) Dennis Ritchie

 (D) Alan Turing

21. The Analytical Engine developed during first generation of computers used ……… as a

memory unit.


(B) floppies

(C) cards

(D) counter wheels

(E) None of these

22. Tabulating machine was the first electromechanical machine developed by

(A) Herman Hollerith

 (B) Howard Aikeri

(C) Blaise Pascal

 (D) John Napier

23. Who designed the first electronic computer-ENIAC?

(A) Von Neumann

(B) Joseph M Jacquard

(C) Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly

(D) All of the above

24. The first computer which provides storage is



(C) MARK-1


25. Name the first general purpose electronic computer.





(E) None of these

26. Computer size was very large in

(A) first generation 

(B) second generation

(C) third generation 

(D) fourth generation

27. First generation computers were based on

(A) transistors 

(B) conductors


(D) vacuum tubes

28. Computer built before the first generation computer was

(A) mechanical 

(B) electromechanical

(C) electrical

(D) electronics

29. First generation computers used……… languages.

(A) machine

(B) assembly

(C) Both ‘l’ and 2 

(D) high level

(E) None of these

30. Speed of first generation computer was in

(A) nano seconds

(B) milli seconds

(C) nano-milli seconds

 (D) micro seconds

(E) None of these

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|Computer Questions  and Answers for Competitive Exams Set-2||Computer Questions  Answers for JOA IT,Computer operator & other exams||important computer related question answer||

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