Computer Questions Answers for Competitive Exams Set-25


Computer Questions  Answers for Competitive Exams Set-25

||Computer Questions  and Answers for Competitive Exams Set-25||Computer Questions  Answers for JOA IT,Computer operator & other exams||important computer related question answer||  

 1. Telnet is a : 

(A) browser 

(B) protocol 

(C) gateway 

(D) search engine 

2. The term ODBC stands tor: 

(A) Object Database Communication. 

(B) Open Database Communication. 

(C) Open Database Connectivity. 

(D) Object Database Connectivity. 

3. Both the ALU and Control Section have special purpose storage locations called : 

(A) Registers 

(B) Accumulators 

(C) Bus 

(D) Address 

4. A translator for the assembly language to machine language is 

(A) assembler 

(B) compiler 

(C) interpreter 

(D) linker 

5. Where is India’s super computer ‘PARAM’ located ? 

(A) Chennai 

(B) Pune 

(C) Bengaluru 

(D) Kolkata 

6. Expansion of RDBMS is 

(A) Repairable Database Management System 

(B) Relational Database Management System 

(C) Relational Database Memory System 

(D) Recurring Database Memory System 

7. ________ is a program that places programs into memory and prepares them for execution. 

(A) Assembler 

(B) Compiler 

(C) Loader 

(D) Macro processor 

 8. Programs stored in a ROM are called 

(A) Software 

(B) Freeware 

(C) Firmware 

(D) None of these 

9. A bug in a programme is a/an 

(A) Statement 

(B) Error 

(C) Syntax 

(D) Both (B) and (C)

 10. Icons are ______commands. 

(A) typed 

(B) verbal 

(C) picture 

(D) imaginary

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