Computer Questions Answers for Competitive Exams Set-3


Computer Questions  Answers for Competitive Exams Set-3

||Computer Questions  and Answers for Competitive Exams Set-3||Computer Questions  Answers for JOA IT,Computer operator & other exams||important computer related question answer|| 

31. The period of the second generation computers was

(A) 1946-1958

(B) 1940-1960

(C) 1956-63

(D) 1957-1964

32. Time sharing became possible in ………. generation of computers.

(A) first 

(B) second

 (C) third 

(D) fourth

(E) None of these

33. Integrated Chips or IC’s were started to be use from which generation of computers?

(A) 1st Generation

 (B) 2nd Generation

(C) 3rd Generation

(D) 4th Generation

(E) 5th Generation

34. Chip is a common nickname for a(n)

(A) transistor

(B) resistor

(C) integrated circuit

 (D) semiconductor

(E) None of these

35. The third generation computers were made with

(A) bio chips

(B) transistors

(C) integrated circuits

 (D) vacuum tubes

(E) discrete components

 36. Integrated Circuit (IC) or chips used in computers are made with [IBPS Clerk 2014]

(A) copper

(B) aluminium

(C) gold

(D) silicon

(E) silver

37. A complete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip is called a(n)

(A) workstation 


(C) magnetic disc

 (D) integrated circuit

(E) complex circuit

38. PCs are considered fourth-generation and contain

(A) information

(B) dala

(C) vacuum tubes

(D) microprocessors

(E) transistors

39. Artificial Intelligence is an example of

(A) first generation computer

(B) second generation computer

(C) third generation computer

(D) fourth generation computer

(E) fifth generation computer

40. First computer of India is


(B) Siddhartha

(C) IBM-370

(D) CRAY-1

41. Computer’s basic architecture was developed by

(A) John Von Neumann

(B) Charles Babbage

(C) Blaise Pascal

(D) Jordan Murn

42. Who developed integrated chip?

(A) Robert Nayak

 (B) C Babbage

(C) JS Kilby

(D) CV Raman

43. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed

(A) only parallel

(B) only sequentially

(C) Both ‘l’ and 2

(D) Either ‘l’ or 2′

 44. Microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment

(A) keyboard, monitor, hard drive

(B) system unit, input/output, memory

(C) system unit, input/output, secondary storage

(D) system unit, primary storage, secondary Storage

45. Which of the following options correctly expresses the meaning of the term ‘PCs’?

(A) Independent computers for all working staff

(B) Personal computers widely available to individual workers with which they can access information from layer systems and increase their personal productivity

(C) Packed computers system formed by joining together of various computer terminals

(D) Computer manufactured by the Pentium Company

(E) None of the above

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|Computer Questions  and Answers for Competitive Exams Set-3||Computer Questions  Answers for JOA IT,Computer operator & other exams||important computer related question answer||

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