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Computer Related FullForms For HPSSSB JOA IT (Post Code -903) Exam



Computer Related FullForms For HPSSSB JOA IT (Post Code -903) Exam 

👉HPSSC JOA IT POST CODE-903 TEST SERIES 2021(Total 10 test With Answer Key)

  • 2G – Second Generation of mobile phone standards and technology
  • 3G – Third Generation of Mobile phone standards and technology
  • 4 Bits – 1 Nibble
  • 4G – 4
  • Th Generation of mobile phone standards and technology
  • 4GL – Fourth Generation Language
  • 8 Bits – 1 Byte
  • BD – Blue Ray Disk
  • BIOS – Basic input output system
  • ACER – Acquisition Collaboration experimentation Reflection
  • ACM – Association for computing machinery
  • AIEE – American Institute of Electrical Engineers
  • AJAX – Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
  • ALGOL – Algorithmic language (For Hard Math)
  • AMD – Advanced Micro Devices
  • ANSI – American Standard Institute
  • APL – A Programming language
  • APT – Automatic Programmed Tooling Language
  • ASC – Action Script Communication
  • ASCC – Automatic Sequence controlled Calculator
  • ASP – Active Server Pages
  • ATA – Advanced Technology Atachment
  • ATX – Advanced Technology Extended
  • AUI Attatchment Unit Interface
  • BASIC – Biggners all purpose symbolic instruction code
  • BCD – Binary Coded Decimal
  • BDA – Blue-Ray Disk Association
  • BGP – Border Gateway protocol / Broadway gateway protocol
  • BIPS – Billions of instructions per second
  • BISDN broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
  • BPI – Bytes per inch
  • BPL Broadband over power line
  • BRI Basic Rate Interface
  • CAD – Computer Aided Design
  • CAN – Campus Area Network
  • CASE – Computer Aided software engineering
  • BCC – Blind Carbon Copy
  • CCTV – Closed Circuit Television
  • CDC – Control Data Corporation
  • C-Dot – Centre For development of Telematics
  • CD-R – CD-Recordable
  • CD-ROM – Compact Disc-Rewritable
  • CD-RW – CD Read/Write
  • CGI – Common Gateway interface
  • CL – Command language
  • Class – computer Literacy and Studies in School
  • CUI – Character User Interface
  • CMOS – Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
  • CMS Content Management System
  • COBOL – Common business oriented
  • CODASYAL – Conference of Data system language
  • COMAL – Common Algorithmic language
  • Computer – Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical And Educational Research
  • CP/M – Control Program For microprocessor
  • CPT – Coral Photo Paint
  • CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
  • CUI – Character User interface
  • CVT – Constant Voltage Transformer
  • D/A – Digital to Analog
  • DAT – Digital Audio Tape
  • DBA – Database Administrator
  • DBMS – Database management system
  • DBS – Demand Based Switching
  • DDL – Data Definition language
  • DDR – Double Data-Rate
  • DDR RAM – Double Data-Rate Random Access Memory
  • DDS – Digital Data Storage
  • DEC – Digital Equipment Corporation
  • DELL – Digital Electronic Link Library
  • DIMM – Duel in line memory module
  • DMA – Direct memory Access
  • DNA – Digital Network Architecture
  • DNS – Domain Name Service or Domain Name Server
  • DRAM – Dynamic RAM
  • DSN – Distributed System Network
  • DTD Document type definition
  • DTE – Data Terminal Equipment
  • DTS – Desk Top System
  • DTS – Digital Theater System
  • DVD-ROM – Digital Video Disc-Read Only Memory
  • DVD-RW – Digital Video Disc-Rewritable
  • DVI – Digital Visual Interface
  • EDODRAM (Extended Data Output DRAM)
  • EFM – Eight to Fourteen Modulation
  • EL – Electro-Luminescent
  • EMI – Electromagnetic Interference
  • EOF – End-of-File
  • EPG – Electronic Programming guide
  • EPROM – Erasable Parallel Read Only Memory
  • ERD – Emergency repair disk
  • ERP – Enterprise resource planning (Business Process management software)
  • ESATA – External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
  • ESDRAM (Enhanced Synchronous DRAM)
  • FAT – File Allocation Table
  • FAT12 – 12-Bit File Allocation Table
  • FAT16 – 16-Bit File Allocation Table
  • FAT32 – 32-Bit File Allocation Table
  • FAX – Far away Xerox
  • FDD – Floppy Disk Drive
  • FDM – Frequency Division Multiplexing
  • FEP – Front End Processor
  • Flops – Floating point operations Per Second
  • FM – Frequency Modulation
  • FMS – File management system
  • FORTRAN – Formula Translation
  • FPMDRAM (Fast page mode dram)
  • FPS – Frame Per Second
  • FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
  • FSK – Frequency shift keying
  • GBps – Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
  • GFLOPS – Giga Flops
  • GHz – Giga hertz
  • Gnu – Gnu not UNIX
  • GPRS – General Packet radio service
  • GSM – Global system for mobile communication
  • GUI – Graphical User Interface
  • HDD – Hard Disk Drive
  • HDMI – High Definition Media Interface
  • HEETSON – Help Educational Every Time with Sonu
  • HLL – High Level Language
  • HP – Hewlett-Packard
  • HSS – Hierarchical storage system
  • HTML – Hypertext markup language
  • HTTP – Hypertext transfer Protocol
  • HTTPS – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Over Secure Sockets Layer
  • HVD – Holographic Versatile Disk ( 6 TB storage Capacity )
  • I/O – Input & Output
  • IBN – Indian Broadcasting Network
  • ICCC International Computer Communication Conference
  • ICMP – Internet control message protocol
  • ICU – Intensive Care Unit
  • IDE – integrated development environment
  • IDN – Integrated Digital Networks
  • IEEE – Institute of Electrical and electronics engineers
  • IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force
  • IGMP – Internet Group management protocol
  • IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol
  • IMDb – The internet Movie Database
  • INTEL – Integrated Electronics
  • IP – Internet Protocol
  • IPCONFIG – Internet Protocol Configuration
  • IPSEC – IP Security
  • P a g e | 385
  • IRDA – Infrared Data Association
  • ISD – International Subscriber Dialing
  • ISDN – Integrated Service Digital Network
  • ISH – Information super Highway
  • ISO – International Organization of standardization
  • IT – Information Technology
  • JDBC – Java Data Base Connectivity
  • JPEG – Joint photographic experts group
  • JRE – Java Runtime engine
  • JS – JavaScript
  • JSP – Java Server Page
  • KB – Kilobyte
  • Kbps – Kilo Byte Per Second
  • KHz – Kilo Hertz
  • LAN – Local Area Network
  • LASER – Light Amplification by stimulated Emission of Radiation
  • LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
  • LED – Light Emitting Diode
  • LISP – List Processing
  • LLL – Low Level Language
  • LOS linux operating system
  • LPM – Line per Minute
  • LSI – Large scale integration
  • MAC – Media Access Control
  • MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
  • MAR – Memory Address Register
  • MB – Mega Byte
  • Mbps – Mega Bytes Per second
  • MBR – Memory Buffer Register
  • MHz – Megahertz
  • MIDI – Musical instrument Digital Interface
  • MIPS – Millions of instructions per second
  • MIS – Management information system
  • MOPS – Missions of Operation per second
  • MP3 – Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3 Audio
  • MPEG – Moving Picture Experts Group
  • MS DOS – Microsoft Disk Operating System
  • MSCONFIG – Microsoft Configuration
  • MSI – Medium scale integrated circuits
  • MVT – Multiprogramming with variable tasks
  • NaN – Not a Number
  • NAS – Network attached storage
  • NET – Internet
  • NetBEUI – Networked Basic Input/Output System Extended User Interface
  • NetBios – Network Basic Input output System
  • NFS – Network file system
  • NIC – National Informatic Centre
  • NICNET – National informatics center network
  • NNTP – Network News transfer protocol
  • NOS – Network operating system
  • NSF – National Science Foundation
  • NTFS – New Technology File System
  • NTLDR – New Technology Loader
  • ODBC – Open Database Connectivity
  • OODBMS – Object Oriented Database Management System
  • OOP – Object oriented programming
  • OS – Operating system
  • OSI – Open system interconnection
  • OSPF – Open system path first
  • OSS – Open source software
  • PAN – Personal Area network
  • PASCAL – Preservation and storage center for Academic Libraries.
  • PC – Personal computer
  • PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect
  • PCT – Private communication Technology
  • PDA – Personal Digital Assistant
  • PDL – Program Design Language
  • PDP – Program Data Processor
  • PEM – Privacy Enhanced Mail
  • PERL – Practical Extraction and Reporting language
  • PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor
  • PILOT – Programmed Instruction, Learning or Teaching
  • PINE – Pine is Not Elm
  • PIP – Peripheral interchange program
  • POP – Post Office Protocol
  • POP-3 – Post Office protocol – 3
  • POST – Power On self test
  • PPP – Point to Point Protocol
  • PPP – Pubic Private Partnership
  • PPTP – Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
  • PRI Primary Rate Interface
  • Prolog – Programming in logic
  • PROM – Programmable Read Only memory
  • Ps – Photoshop
  • PSP – Paint shop Pro
  • PSTN – Public Switched Telephone network
  • QDOS – Quick and Dirty Operating system
  • QOS – Quality of service
  • RATs Remote Admin Trojans
  • RDRAM (Rambus DRAM)
  • RGB – Red Green Blue
  • RIP – Routing information protocol
  • RISC – Reduced instruction set computer
  • ROM – Read only memory
  • RPC – Remote Procedure Call
  • RPG – Report Program Generator
  • RSAC – Recreational Software Advisory Council
  • RSS – Really Simple Syndication
  • SASS – Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
  • SCSI – Small computer system interface
  • SD – Secure Digital
  • SDLC – Software Development life cycle
  • SDRAM (Synchronous DYNAMIC RAM)
  • SEQUEL – Structured English Query Language
  • SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
  • SGMT – Simulated Greenwich Mean Time.
  • SIMM – Single in line memory module
  • SLIP – serial line internet protocol
  • SMPP – Short Message Peer to Peer
  • SMPS – Switch Mode Power Supply
  • SMTP – Simple Mail Transport Protocol
  • SNA – System network Architecture
  • SNMP – Simple network management protocol
  • SNOBOL – String Oriented and Symbolic language
  • SPDIF – Sony/Phillips digital interface
  • SPOOLING – Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line
  • SQL – Structured Query language
  • SRAM – Static RAM
  • SSD – Solid State Disk
  • SSH – Secure Shell of Secure Socket Shell
  • SSI – Small Scale integration
  • SSL – Secure Socket Layer
  • TB – Terabyte
  • TCP – Transport Control
  • TDM – Time Division Multiplexing
  • TDS – Tax Deducted at source
  • Telnet– Telecommunication network
  • TIFF– Tagged Image file format
  • TXT– Text
  • UDP– User Datagram Protocol
  • UI– User Interface
  • ULSI– Ultra large scale integration
  • UOS unix operating system
  • URL– Uniform Resource Locator
  • UTF– Unicode transformation format
  • UUCP– Unix to Unix copy protocol
  • UX– User Experience
  • VAN– Value Added Network
  • VAT– Value Add Tax
  • VBA– Visual Basic for Application
  • VCD– Video compact Disk
  • VCR– Video cassette recorder
  • VDT– Video display terminal
  • VDU– Visual Display Unit
  • VGA– Video graphics Array
  • VIRUS: Vital Information Resources Under Seize
  • VOD– Video on Demand
  • VOIP– Voice over internet protocol
  • VPN– Virtual Private Network
  • VRAM– Video Random Access Memory
  • VSAT– Very small aperture terminal
  • WAIS– Wide Area Information Servers
  • WAN– Wide Area Network
  • WAP– Wireless Application Protocol
  • WiFi– Wireless Fidelity
  • Wipro- Western Indian Products
  • WLAN– Wireless Local area network
  • WLL– Wireless Local Loop
  • WORM– Write once read many
  • WOS window operating system
  • WP– WordPress
  • WWWW– World Wide Web Worm
  • XCF– Experimental Computing Facility
  • XGA– Extended Graphics Array
  • XHTML– Extensible Hypertext markup language
  • XML– Extensible Markup Language
  • Yahoo – Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
  • ZIP – Zigzag Inline Package
  • API – Application Programming interface
  • ASCII – American Standard code for information interchange
  • ARPANET – Advanced Research Project Agency Network
  • CPU – Central Processing Unit
  • DHCP – Dynamic Host configuration Protocol
  • EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  • ALU – Arithmetic logic unit
  • EDVAC – Electronic Discreate variable automatic calculator
  • ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and calculator
  • ISP – Internet Service Provider
  • OCR – Optical character Recognition
  • ATM – Automatic Teller machine
  • CD – Compact Disk
  • CLI – Command line interface
  • CRT – Cathode Ray Tube
  • DOS – Disk Operating System
  • DPI – Dots per inch
  • DVD – Digital Versatile Disk
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • GB – Giga Byte
  • IC – Integrated Circuit
  • OMR – Optical Mark Reader
  • PDF – Portable Document Format
  • RAM – Random Access Memory
  • USB – Universal Serial Bus

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