CSKHPKV Palampur Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022


 CSKHPKV Palampur Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022

|| CSKHPKV Palampur Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022|| CSKHPKV Palampur Teaching Staff jobs notification & online Application form 2022||

Applications on plain paper are invited along with bio-data and self- attested photocopies of all relevant testimonials/certificates for hiring the service of person for teaching courses in the discipline of Computer Science, in the Department of Physical Sciences & Languages, COBS, CSKHPKV, Palampur on the contact hours basis (purely on temporary basis) for 2nd semester of the Academic year 2021-22 and 1st Semester of the Academic year 2022-23. Applications complete in all respects should reach to the Dean, College of Basic Sciences, CSKHPKV Palampur, Distt. Kangra-176062, (H.P) latest by 14-09-22 upto 4.00 PM. For details, please visit the University Website: www.hillagric.ac.in or this office.

 Essential Qualifications:- Master’s Degree having qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) from UGC/CSIR, ICAR or similar test accredited by UGC/State in the concerned discipline. 

Terms & Conditions: 

1. The candidate must be a citizen of India. 

2. The candidate must fulfill the prescribed qualification on the last date of receipt of applications. 

3. Applications received after the last date shall not be considered. 

4. The services of the person hired for teaching on contact hour basis is a stop-gap arrangement and purely on temporary, basis. He/ She will have no right for regular appointment. 

5. The College/University serves the right to terminate the services of hired person at any time without assigning any reason or not to hire any person in the above disciplines.

 6. A panel of 3 to 4 persons will be prepared /drawn in the concerned discipline for teaching on contact hour basis at any time during academic session or for the complete courses. The incumbent will have to obey the Academic Regulation of this University. 

7. The incumbent engaged shall submit class attendance at the end of each class to the HOD concerned. 

8. The incumbent shall be assigned the duty of registration, to conduct examination, perform invigilation duty, setting of question paper (s), evaluation of answer books along with submission of results thereof and counseling the students etc. for which he/she will be paid separately a fixed remuneration of Rs. 5000/- per course per semester. 


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