Daily HP GK Important Question Answer In English Set-16


Daily HP GK Important Question Answer In English Set-16

||Daily HP GK Important Question Answer in English Set-16||Daily Himachal Pradesh GK Important Question Answer in english Set-16||


 151. Who was the last ruler of Chamba Province ?

Answer-Lakshman Singh

152. To which province Yogi Charpatnath is related ?


153. King of Chamba Sahil Verman kept the name of Chamba City on whose name?

Answer-On the name of his daughter Champavati

154. When was Bhuri Singh Meseum in Chamba of H.P. established ?

Answer-1908 A.D.

155. Which ruler of Chamba Province first of all used the title ‘Verman’?

Answer-Aditya Verman

156. In the freedom struggle of 1857 A.D. King of Chamba Shree Singh was with the British Govt. Along with which one of his Wazirs, he sent soldiers in Dalhauzi? 

Answer-Mian Avtaar Singh

157. In the reign of which king, Chamba Painting got protection ?

Answer-King Raj Singh

158. Which king of Chamba refused the order of Aurangzeb to demolish temples ?

Answer-Chatar Singh

159. Which city of H.P. recently completed 1000 years of its establishment ?


160. At which place the capital of Chamba Province was situated in ancient time?


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