Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-1

Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-1 (English)


Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-1 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part 1. Check our website daily to see other parts.

Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-1


#1. Chamba Princely State possessed more than 150 copper plate title deads. Approximately how many of them belong to the pre-Mohammedan period?

#2. Which of the following princely states possesses more than 150 copper plate title deads?

#3. What are the main information sources about Ranas and Thakurs of Himachal Pradesh?

#4. According to a copperplate, in, which year according to Vikram Samvat 1717, Shak Samvat?

#5. Which area of Himachal Pradesh was related to Chakli copper coins which were present around the 10th century?

#6. Ancient inscription in Himachal Pradesh have not been inscribed in which one ancient script?

#7. Where is the Sohan Valley, which was never renowned for excavation of the old tools 40 thousand years ago?

#8. What figure has been found on coins of the Audumbars rulers?

#9. In the 20th century, where did the coins of the kingdom of Kulind received?

#10. Whose figure is found on the coins of the Kulindas

#11. In which scripture is the ancient rock inscription of Pathiar and Kanihara of Kangra?


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