Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-4 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part 4. Check our website daily to see other parts.
Read More:- Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-3
Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-4
Table of Contents
#1. A famous village for its oldest structure, whose name is associated with Alexander the Great.
#2. What was the main reason for Alexander’s decision to not move beyond the Beas river in the middle of his India victory?
#3. Who was the author of the proclamation written on stone at Kalsi near Tons and Yamuna river?
#4. Which Year Did Alexander Drive to the Bank of the River Beas??
#5. Where was a Muslim Ruler Transferred a stupa built by Ashoka In Paonta Valley Of Himachal Pradesh to Delhi
#6. Which Indian Emperor Forced The Kulindas,Yodheyon and Arjunas To Accept Their Sovereignty
#7. Which year did Hiuen Tsang visit India?
#8. In 480-490, after the disintegration of the Gupta empire, who among the following had established himself as a powerful ruler?
#9. Who was Toramana?
#10. In his description, who has described the Trigarta “as a state 267 miles long from east to west and 213 miles from north to south”?
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