Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-7 (English)

Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-7 (English)


Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-7 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part 7. Check our website daily to see other parts.

Read More:- Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-6

Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-7….


#1. The rulers of the hill states of Punjab who were hostages in the Mughal court, are given the title of ‘Mian’ given by which ruler?

#2. In 1588-89 AD, which king of Kangra organized all the hill chiefs from Jammu to Kangra against Akbar?

#3. Which miracle forced the Mughal Emperor Akbar to return the golden coins collected from the Jamlu as royal revenues?

#4. Which ruler of the principality helped to capture the fort of Kangra of Mughal emperor Jahangir?

#5. In 1645 AD, Shah Jahan sent which king of the state of Nurpur to control the Ujjain of Balkh?

#6. The wife of Darashikoh regarded the king of which state as his son?

#7. Who was the ruler of Bilaspur, the contemporary of Mughal emperor Akbar?

#8. Who was the contemporary ruler of the Chamba of Mughal emperor Akbar?

#9. From which Mughal emperor King of Chamba got the statue of ‘Raghuveer’, the deity?

#10. Which king of Kangra revolted against the Mughal Emperor Akbar, a confederate?

#11. Trilok Chand and Harichand were contemporaries of which Mughal emperor?

#12. In the contemporary of jahangir who was the king of Kangra?

#13. In contemporary(1572) of Akbar, who was the king of Guler?


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