Delhi Durbar and Change of Capital MCQ Question Answer In English


Delhi Durbar and Change of Capital MCQ Question Answer In English 

||Delhi Durbar and Change of Capital MCQ Question Answer In English||Delhi Durbar and Change of Capital MCQ  In English||

1. Delhi became the capital of India in 

 (A) 1910 

(B) 1911 

 (C) 1916

 (D) 1923 

 2. In which year the capital of India has been transferred from Calcutta to Delhi? 

(A) 1901

 (B) 1905

 (C) 1911

 (D) 1915 

3. Where was the capital of India before Delhi under British period? 

(A) Calcutta

 (B) Bombay

 (C) Patna 

(D) Lucknow 

 4. The transfer of capital of British India from Calcutta to Delhi was affected during the period of 

 (A) Lord Mayo

 (B) Lord Lawrence 

 (C) Lord Minto 

 (D) Lord Hardinge

 5. A bomb was thrown on the occassion of his State entry into Delhi at 

 (A) Lord Curzon

 (B) Lord Mayo

 (C) Lord Minto 

 (D) Lord Hardinge

 6. Bihar became a separate State during the British rule in the year 

 (A) 1905

 (B) 1912 

 (C) 1936 

(D) 1946 

||Delhi Durbar and Change of Capital MCQ Question Answer In English||Delhi Durbar and Change of Capital MCQ  In English||

Answer Sheet1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (B)

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