Earth MCQ Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams


Earth MCQ Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams

||Earth MCQ Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams||Earth  Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams In English||

1. Zero degree latitude and zero degree longitude lies in the 

 (A) Atlantic Ocean

 (B) Arctic Ocean

 (C) Indian Ocean

 (D) Pacific Ocean


2. Point of intersection of Equator and the prime Meridian is located at 

(A) Atlantic Ocean

 (B) Ghana

 (C) Morocco

 (D) Pacific Ocean

 3. Correct Latitudinal position of a place that could be possible is 

(A) 91º North

 (B) 45º East 

 (C) 45º South

 (D) 91º West 

 4. Which of the following is not a great circle on the globe? 

 (A) Equator

 (B) Prime meridition line 

 (C) 60º East longitude 

 (D) 60º North Latitude 

 5. A plane starts flying from 30º Northern latitude and 50º Eastern longitude and lands at opposite end of the Earth, where will it land? 

 (A) 30º Northern latitude, 50º Western longitude

 (B) 30º Southern latitude, 50º Western longitude

 (C) 50º Northern latitude, 30º Western longitude

 (D) 30º Southern latitude, 130º Western longitude 

 6. Among the following cities which one lies in the farthest North? 

(A) Beijing 

 (B) New Delhi

 (C) New York 

 (D) Rome 

 7. Consider the geographical details given in the following figure.

 The point marked by A in the above figure indicates the countries in 

(A) North America 

 (B) South America

 (C) Europe

 (D) Asia

 8. If the difference of longitudes for the two places is 90º, then time interval between these places will be 

 (A) 3 hrs

 (B) 6 hrs

 (C) 9 hrs

 (D) 12 hrs 

 9. When there is mid-day in the Greenwich, local time of a place is 5 O’ clock evening. At which of the following longitude (meridians) that place will be located? 

(A) 75º E 

(B) 75º W

 (C) 150º E 

(D) 150º W 

 10. The time at Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich. Hence, it is located at 

(A) 30º W longitude

 (B) 30º E longitude 

 (C) 28º E longitude 

 (D) 28º W longitude 

 11. When it is noon along 82º30′ E longitude along what degree of longitude it will be 6:30 a.m.? 

 (A) At 165º East 

 (B) At 67º30′ West

 (C) At 0º East or West

 (D) At 82º30′ West 

 12. Which one of the following longitudes alongwith the prime Meridian forms a great circle on the globe? 

(A) 0º 

(B) 90º E

 (C) 90º W 

(D) 180º 

 13. In the New Millennium first ray of the Sun was seen in which of the following Meridians of India? 

(A) 2º30′ W 

(B) 82º 30′ E 

 (C) 92º30′ W

 (D) 93º 30′ E

 14. The basis of deciding standard time of any place is 

 (A) Longitude 

 (B) Latitude

 (C) International Date Line 

 (D) Prime Meridian 

 15. The Prime Meridian does not pass through 

 (A) Algeria

 (B) France 

 (C) Niger 

(D) Spain 

 16. Which one of the following Cities does not have the same clock time as that of the other three Cities at any given instant? 

(A) London (UK) 

 (B) Lisbon (Portugal)

 (C) Accra (Ghana) 

 (D) Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) 

 17. When there is noon at I.S.T. meridian people another place of the Earth are taking their 6 O’ clock morning tea. The longitude of the place is 

(A) 17º30′ E

 (B) 7º30′ W

 (C) 172º30′ E

 (D) 90º W 

 18. A telegram was sent from Greenwich at 12:00 Noon. The time for transmission was 12 minutes. It reached a town at 6:00 p.m. The longitude of the town will be 

(A) 97º E

 (B) 87º E

 (C) 87º W

 (D) 97º W 

 19. International Date line passes through 

 (A) Africa

 (B) Asia

 (C) Pacific ocean 

 (D) Atlantic ocean 

 20. The shortest distance between two places on the globe is along 

 (A) 45º N Latitude

 (B) 45º S Latitude 

 (C) Prime Meridian 

 (D) International Date Line 

21. If the Earth’s direction of rotation is reversed, what should be the IST when it is noon at the International Date Line? 

(A) 06:30 hrs

 (B) 05:30 hrs

 (C) 18:30 hrs

 (D) 17:30 hrs

 22. Which one of the following Straits is nearest to the International Date Line? 

 (A) Malacca Strait

 (B) Bering Strait 

 (C) Strait of Florida 

 (D) Strait of Gibraltar 

 23. A ship is moving from the Eastern side of Aleutian Islands towards Dutch harbor. It crosses 180º meridian on 1st January, 1999 at 23:30 hr. After crossing the meridian captain of the ship will note what time and date in his diary? 

 (A) January 1, 00:30 hr

 (B) January 2, 00:30 hr

 (C) January 3, 00:30 hr

 (D) January 4, 00:30 hr

 24. Captain of a ship moving Westward records the local time of 10:00 hrs Monday at 90º W. If the speed of the ship is the same as the speed of the rotation of the Earth, which of the following local time and day would be found by the captain at International date line? 

(A) 04:00 hrs, Monday

 (B) 10:00 hrs, Monday

 (C) 10:00 hrs, Tuesday 

 (D) 16:00 hrs, Tuesday 

 25. Which path must be followed by a Ship to move from one place to another in least time? 

(A) Sea or Ocean Current 

 (B) Sea-breez

 (C) Meridian

 (D) Longitude

 26. The local time of a place is 6:00 A.M. when the Greenwitch Mean Time (GMT) is 3:00 A.M., what is the longitude of the place? 

 (A) 45º West

 (B) 45º East 

 (C) 120º East 

(D) 120º West 

 27. The Equator does not pass through which of the following countries? 

(A) Kenya 

(B) Mexico

 (C) Indonesia

 (D) Brazil 

 28. The Equator passes through 

 (A) Cameroon

 (B) Costa Rica

 (C) Kenya

 (D) Venezuela

 29. The total length of Earth’s equator is about 

 (A) 6,400 km

 (B) 12,800 km

 (C) 40,000 km

 (D) 5,000 km 

 30. Through which one of the following groups of countries does the Equator pass? 

 (A) Brazil, Zambia and Malaysia 

 (B) Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia

 (C) Brazil, Sudan and Malaysia

 (D) Venezuela, Ethiopia and Indonesia 

 31. The latitude at which ‘Annual Range of Temperature’ remains minimum is 

 (A) Equator

 (B) Tropic of Cancer

 (C) Tropic of Capricorn

 (D) North Pole Circle 

 32. Which one of the following cities is nearest to the equator? [

(A) Colombo

 (B) Jakarta

 (C) Manila

 (D) Singapore

 33. The Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, all the three pass through which one of the following Continents? 

 (A) Africa

 (B) Asia 

 (C) North America

 (D) South America 

 34. Which of the following countries are located on the Equator? 

 1. Brunei 

2. Columbia 

 3. Kenya 

4. Venezuela 

 Select the correct answer using the code given below. 

 (A) 1 and 2

 (B) 2 and 3

 (C) 3 and 4 

(D) 1 and 4 

 35. At the Winter Solstice the noon altitude of the Sun at the Tropic of Cancer is 

 (A) 23.5º

 (B) 43.0º

 (C) 47.0º 

(D) 66.5º 

 36. The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through 

(A) Egypt

 (B) India

 (C) Iran 

(D) Myanmar

 37. Tropic of Capricorn does not pass through 

(A) Bolivia

 (B) Paraguay

 (C) Argentina 

(D) Brazil 

||Earth MCQ Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams||Earth  Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams In English||

 38. Which of the following phenomenon happens in India when the Sun-shines vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn? 

(A) High pressure develops over North-West India

 (B) Low pressure develops over North-West India

 (C) No change in pressure occurs over North-West India 

 (D) Temperature increases in North-West India 

 39. Where are day and night equal throughout year? 

 (A) North Pole

 (B) South Pole

 (C) Equator 

(D) Nowhere 

 40. At the time the summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere the length of the day will be 12 hours at the 

 (A) Tropic of Cancer

 (B) Tropic of Capricorn 

 (C) Arctic Circle (

D) Equator 

 41. On which date day and night are of equal duration? 

(A) 22 June

 (B) 23 September

 (C) 22 December

 (D) 21 February

 42. Equinox, the two periods in the year when day and night are equal, occurs on 

 (A) 21 March and 23 September

 (B) 22 February and 23 August 

 (C) 15 October and 23 April 

 (D) 22 July and 22 December 

 43. Shortest day of the year in Northern hemisphere is on 

 (A) 21 December

 (B) 22 December

 (C) 21 June

 (D) 22 June 

 44. The longest day in Northern hemisphere is 

(A) 21 May

 (B) 21 June

 (C) 22 December

 (D) 25 December

45. Which of the following is the longest day of the year? 

 (A) 22 July

 (B) 25 December

 (C) 21 June

 (D) 23 March

 46. The longest day in Southern Hemisphere is 

 (A) 22 June

 (B) 22 December

 (C) 21 March

 (D) 22 September 

 47. Summer Solstice occurs every year on 

(A) 23 September 

 (B) 21 March

 (C) 4 July

 (D) 21 June

 48. On which of the following dates your shadow at noon is the smallest? 

 (A) 25 December

 (B) 21 March 

 (C) 21 June 

(D) 14 February 

 49. Which of the following scholar has suggested that the Earth has originated from the gases and the dust particles? 

 (A) James Jeans 

(B) H. Alfven

 (C) F. Hoyal

 (D) O. Schmidt 

 50. Which of the following method is used to determine the age of the Earth? 

 (A) Carbon dating for age of the fossils 

 (B) Germanium dating

 (C) Uranium dating 

 (D) All of the above 

 51. What was the period of the Dinosaurs?

 (A) Five crore years ago

 (B) Eighteen crore years ago

 (C) Forty crore years ago

 (D) Eighty crore years ago 

 52. Continents have drifted apart because of 

 (A) Volcanic eruptions

 (B) Tectonic activities 

 (C) Folding and faulting of rocks 

 (D) All of the above

 53. Great Ice-Age is related to 

 (A) Pleistocene

 (B) Oligocene

 (C) Holocene

 (D) Eocene 

 54. Which of the following periods has generally been considered to be the ‘Littile Ice Age’? 

(A) 750 A.D. – 850 A.D

. (B) 950 A.D. – 1250 A.D.

 (C) 1650 A.D. – 1870 A.D. 

 (D) 8000 to 10,000 years B.P. (Before Present)

 55. India was the part of ancient Gondwana land Supercontinent. It includes the following landmass of the present 

(A) South America

 (B) Africa

 (C) Australia 

 (D) All of the above 

 56. On the Earth, originally there was only one huge landmass which is known as 

 (A) Panthalassa

 (B) Pangea

 (C) Laurasia

 (D) Gondwana land 

 57. Which one of the following continuents was not a part of Gondwana Land? 

 (A) North America

 (B) South America

 (C) Africa 

 (D) Australia 

 58. First fossil evidence for the existence of life on Earth is 

(A) 0.3 million years back

 (B) 3.5 million years back 

 (C) 5 million years back 

 (D) 10 million years back 

 59. Folding is the result of 

(A) Epeirogenic force

 (B) Coriolis force 

 (C) Orogenic force

 (D) Exogenic force

 60. The Prime Meridian passes through 

 1. Algeria 

2. France 

 3. Nigeria 

4. Portugal 

 Use the code below to select the correct answer. 


 (A) 1 and 2

 (B) 2 and 3

 (C) 3 and 4

 (D) 1 and 3 

 61. Time of which of the following places is equal to the time of GMT? 

 1. Accra 

2. Dublin 

 3. Madrid 

4. Lisbon 

 Use the code below to select the correct answer. 


 (A) 1, 2 and 3

 (B) 1, 3 and 4

 (C) 1, 2 and 4

 (D) 2, 3 and 4 

 62. The standard time of the following countries is ahead of or behind Greenwich Mean Time depending on whether they are East or West of the longitude passing through, Greenwich. 

 1. Cuba 

2. Greece 

 3. Iraq 

4. Costa Rica

 5. Japan 

 Which one of the following sequential orders gives the correct arrangement of the countries according to their standard time from ahead to behind GMT? 

 (A) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4 

(B) 2, 4, 1, 3, 5

 (C) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5

 (D) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 

 63. Statement (A): Time interval at the dateline is 12 hours from the Greenwich.

 Reason (R): Dateline is situated at 180º meridian. 

 Using following options choose the correct answer. 

 (A) (A), (R) both are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

 (B) (A) and (R) both are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 

 (C) (A) is correct, but (R) is false

 (D) (R) is correct, but (A) is false 

 64. Think about the following countries. 

 1. Australia

 2. Namibia 

 3. Brazil 

4. Chile 

 Tropic of Capricorn passes through which of the following countries? 


(A) Only 1

 (B) 2, 3 and 4

 (C) 1, 2 and 3

 (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 

 65. Which of the following phenomenon might have influenced the evolution of organisms? 

 1. Continental drift 

 2. Glacial cycles

 Select the correct answer using the code given below. 

 (A) Only 1

 (B) Only 2

 (C) Both 1 and 2

 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 

 66. Consider the following

. 1. Electromagnetic radiation

 2. Geothermal energy 

 3. Gravitational force

 4. Plate movements 

 5. Rotation of Earth 

 6. Revolution of the Earth 

 Which of the following above are responsible for bringing dynamic changes on the surface of the Earth? 

(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4

 (B) 1, 3, 5 and 6

 (C) 2, 4, 5 and 6

 (D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

||Earth MCQ Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams||Earth  Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams In English||

 Answer Sheet 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (D) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (D) 13. (D) 14. (D) 15. (C) 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (D) 21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (B) 27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (C) 30. (B) 31. (A) 32. (D) 33. (A) 34. (B) 35. (D) 36. (C) 37. (A) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (D) 41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (B) 44. (B) 45. (C) 46. (B) 47. (D) 48. (C) 49. (D) 50. (C) 51. (A) 52. (B) 53. (A) 54. (C) 55. (D) 56. (B) 57. (A) 58. (B) 59. (C) 60. (A) 61. (C) 62. (A) 63. (A) 64. (D) 65. (C) 66. (D)

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