Environmental Studies MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Set-2


Environmental Studies MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Set-2

||Environmental Studies MCQ  For HPTET Set-2||Environmental Studies  Question Answer For HPTET Set-2|| 

11. Major pollutants of motor vehicular emission in India are :

(a) Oxides of nitrogen and lead

(b) Ozone and carbon dioxide, other toxics

(c) Diesel particulates and carbon monoxide

(d) All of the above

12. Environmental GIS describes the use of:

(a) data on atmospheric absorption of radiation

(b) locations based data management tools to assist in the decision making processes

(c) electromagnetic waves in specific regions

(d) None of the above

13. MIC and Chernobyl tragedies occurred at :

(a) Bhopal 1984, Ukraine 1990

(b) Bhopal 1984, Ukraine 1988

(c) Bhopal 1984. Ukraine 1986

(d) Bhopal 1986, Russia 1988

14. Exposure to UV radiations cause :

(a) damage to eye sight

(b) sun burn

(c) cancer of skin

(d) All of the above

15. Sewage water treatment that involves bacteria is called :

(a) Primary treatment

(b) Activated sludge treatment

(c) Tertiary treatment

(d) Cyclic treatment

16. Indoor Pollution is due to:

(a) Lead from newspaper and ceramic crockery

(b) Formaldehyde from furniture

(c) Ozone and acid aerosols in smog

(d) All of the above

17. Sewage water is purified for recycling by the action of

(a) Light

(b) Micro-organisms

(c) Eichhornia aquatic plants

(d) Fishes

18. Disappearance of fish from water bodies indicate excess of…….. in water.

(a) Zn

(b) Hg

(c) Fluoride 

(d) P

19. The most common indicator organism that represents polluted water is:

(a) Escherichia coli

(b) Vibrio cholerae

C) Entamoeba coli

(d) Entamoeba histolytica

20. Positive pollution of soil is due to:

(a) reduction in soil productivity

 (b) addition of wastes in soil

c) excessive use of fertilizers

(d) All of the above

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||Environmental Studies MCQ  For HPTET Set-2||Environmental Studies  Question Answer For HPTET Set-2|| 

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