FSSAI IT Assistant & Other Posts Recruitment 2021


 FSSAI  IT Assistant & Other Posts Recruitment 2021

|| FSSAI  IT Assistant & Other Posts Recruitment 2021|| FSSAI  IT Assistant & Other Posts Jobs 2021||FSSAI Online form 2021||

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) hereinafter referred to as ‘Authority’ is a statutory body under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. FSSAI has been created for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption. FSSAI invites applications on Direct Recruitment basis from dynamic and motivated candidates looking for exciting career opportunities in Food Regulatory System.

Details of Posts: The posts being advertised along with age limit and category wise vacancies are as tabulated below. The number of vacancies shown for each post may increase / decrease as decided by the competent authority. The same will be published on the FSSAI website.

1. Name Of The Post:-Food Analyst

Total Posts:-4 (UR-1, OBC(NCL)-1, SC-1, EWS-1)

2. Name Of The Post:-Technical Officer

Total Posts:-125 (UR-50, OBC(NCL)-33, SC-19, ST-10, EWS-13)

3. Name Of The Post:-Central Food Safety Officer (CFSO)

Total Posts:-37 (UR-14, OBC(NCL)-10, SC-6, ST-3, EWS-4)

4. Name Of The Post:-Assistant Manager (IT)

Total Posts:-04 (UR-2, OBC(NCL)-1, SC-1)

5. Name Of The Post:-Assistant Manager (Journalism or Mass Communication or Public Relation)

Total Posts:-02 (UR-1, OBC (NCL)-1)

6. Name Of The Post:-Assistant Manager (Social Work, Psychology, Labour and Social Welfare, Library Science)

Total Posts:-02 (UR-1, SC-1)

7. Name Of The Post:-Assistant 

Total Posts:-33 (UR-13, OBC(NCL)-9, SC-6, ST-2, EWS-3)

8. Name Of The Post:-Hindi Translator

Total Posts:-1 (UR-1)

9. Name Of The Post:-Personal Assistant

Total Posts:-19 (UR-10, OBC(NCL)-4, SC-2, ST-2, EWS-1)

10. Name Of The Post:-IT Assistant

Total Posts:-03 (UR-2, OBC(NCL)-1)

11. Name Of The Post:-Junior Assistant Grade- 1

Total Posts:-03 (UR-1, OBC(NCL)-1, EWS-1 (Out of the total posts, 01 post is reserved for ExServicemen)

Application Fee:-



Mode of Application: Candidates are required to apply only ONLINE through the website www.fssai.gov.in. No other mode for submission of application is available. Candidates are not to forward hard copies of online application to FSSAI

Candidates to Ensure their Eligibility for the Posts 

(a) Before applying, Candidates must ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the posts applied for. FSSAI would admit to the Examinations all candidates applying for the posts with the requisite fee/ intimation charges on the basis of the information furnished in the online application and shall determine the candidates’ eligibility only at the final stage of selection i.e. interview or document verification stage. 

(b) If at any stage, it is found that any information furnished in the online application is false/ incorrect or if according to the Food Authority, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post applied for, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she shall not be allowed to appear for interview and can be removed from service without notice, if he/she has already joined the Authority. 

(c) Relaxation in CTC criteria for candidates of EWS category is pending for a decision of the Govt and the decision in this regard would be disseminated through addendum later. The candidates are expected to be aware through the website of FSSAI for any update in this regard.

Important Dates:

👉Website Link open for online registration of applications and payment of Fees/Intimation Charges :-08.10.2021

👉Last Date for Online Application:- 07.11.2021

Important Links:-



Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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