GBPIHED Kullu JRF Recruitment 2022


 GBPIHED Kullu JRF Recruitment 2022

||GBPIHED Kullu JRF Recruitment 2022||GBPIHED Kullu JRF Jobs Notification 2022||

Applications are invited for following purely project based temporary position under NMHS funded project “Modelling and Forecasting of High Impact Weather Events in the Beas basin, and Designing a Proto-type Advance Warning System for Mitigating their Adverse Impacts” at Himachal Regional Center of the Institute. Candidate having appropriate qualifications in relevant subject/specialization with consistently good academic records and experience may send their complete application in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) with all supporting documents to the undersigned by e-mail ([email protected] and copy to [email protected]) on or before 28 February, 2022. It is essential to mention the position with serial no. and name of the project applied for in the subject line of e-mail and also in the application form. The shortlisted candidates will be informed separately about the date of interview. The interview will be held either physical mode or virtual mode (Audio/Video) as the conditions deemed fit due to COVID-19 scenario at the time of interview

Position & Emoluments:-Junior Project Fellow (JPF) (01) @ Rs. 20,000/- PM + HRA as per the Institute norms 

Age Limit: 28 years

Essential Qualification:-First class Master Degree in Earth Sciences / Hydrology / Remote Sensing & GIS / Environmental Science from a recognized University

Desirable:-Preference will be given to the candidate having Experience in data collection, documentation, knowledge on Climate Change, GIS software and experience in SPSS and other statistical packages.

Nature of duties / Project:-

  • Collection and documentation of primary baseline data on high impact weather events. 
  • Assessment of the pattern of extreme weather events over the period of time. 
  • To assist the Project Assistant for Socio-economic survey and data collection. 
  • Training, field demonstration to stakeholders
Instructions to fill in Application Form General
 (a) Please download the attached Form, complete it, and return.

 (b) No Column of application form should be left blank. 

(c) Use additional sheets where necessary, with relevant columns drawn thereon, inserting proper references. 

(d) Completed application should be accompanied by all the requisite documents. You are requested to go through the “check list” of documents before submitting the application. Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.

 (e) Photocopies of documents asked for need self-attestation

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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