GBPIHED System Manager & Project Scientist Recruitment 2023


GBPIHED System Manager & Project Scientist Recruitment 2023

||GBPIHED System Manager & Project Scientist Recruitment 2023||GBPIHED System Manager & Project Scientist Jobs Notification & online application form 2023||

 Applications are invited only from Indian citizens for the following purely project based temporary positions under various projects at Kosi-Katarmal (Almora) campus of the Institute. The candidate with adequate qualification may appear for Walk-In-Interview on 03.02.2023 at (11:00 A.M onwards). Candidates appearing for Walk-In-Interview must bring all original copies (with xerox copy) of certificates, testimonials, experience etc along with an application. Desirous candidate who wants to appear online/virtual mode must send an advance copy of the application in the prescribed format with all supporting documents (i.e. educational, experience etc.) to the undersigned by email ([email protected]) on or before 01.02.2023. It is essential to mention the name of project and position applied for in the subject area of mail sent by you. Application in the prescribed format will only be accepted. Qualified/ screened candidates will be called for the interview through online mode after verification of the documents.

Project Name- NMHS funded project entitled “3D Data Analysis and Visualization Lab (3D DAVLVRIHAD)”.

1.Post name:-System Manager (1 No.)


i) M.Tech/B.Tech Computer Science Engineering/ Information Technology with specializationin GIS and Remote Sensing/or any such discipline related to Animation, Digital Image processing or equivalent or MCA with first class AND 

ii) Two years experience in relevant filed or related area for candidates having B.Tech/MCA 

Desirable: M.Tech with GATE qualification, Knowledge in Linux environment, Experience in handling GIS software including ArcGIS and Satellite Image feature automated extraction, Mathematical Modelling and hands on 3D software packages.

2.Post name:-Project Scientist (1 No.)


Ist class Master Degree in Life Sciences/Chemical Sciences/Environment Science or relevant subject with 4 years post qualification experience in handling research projects. 


  •  Ph. any of the above fields 
  •  Good comprehension and communication skills, well versed with Himalayan Sites, Computer certificate course of minimum 6 month duration 
  •  Working experience in the Himalayan region in Projects

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