General Studies Question With Answer Set-2


General Studies Question With Answer Set-2

||General Studies Question  With Answer Set-2||GS Question  With Answer Set-2||


1. Highlight the Central Asian and GrecoBactrian elements in the Gandhara art. (150 words) 

Ans. ‘Gandhara School of Art, also known as ‘Greco-Buddhist School of Art’, existed from 1st century BCE to 4th century CE in the areas of Afghanistan and present North-Western India. The prominent locations were Taxila, Peshawar, Begram and Bamyan. It is closely associated with Mahayana Buddhism with Lord Buddha and Bodhisattvas as its main theme. ‘Gandhara School of Art’ possess a wide range of elements from Central Asia and Greek. Influence of Central Asian Elements The following elements in Gandhara art depict the influence of Central Asia:

 (i) Stupa and monasteries adorned with relief frieze carved in dark schist. Green phyllite and gray-blue mica schist were used in Gandhara art. 

(ii) The basic shape is cut out of the stone. The stone is then plastered with lime to give a finished look. 

(iii) Disc shaped halo around Buddha head which is similar to Persian culture of reverence to sun.

(iv) Kharosthi letters are found in Buddhist inscription in Gandhara. 

(v) The circumambulatory corridors reflected influence of Central Asian elements. 

Influence of Greco-Bactrian Elements 

The sculpture of Buddha showcases many Hellenistic features. It includes:

 (i) Wavy hair in a top knot. 

(ii) Moustache on the face. 

(iii) Urna (a dot or third eye) between the eyebrows. 

(iv) Garments with thick pleats usually covering both shoulders styled like a Roman toga. 

(v) Muscular formation of body. 

(vi) Use of stucco plaster for decoration of monastic and cult buildings.

 (vii) Buddha shown under protection of Greek God Herakles or Hercules standing with his club. Besides this, depiction of a horse on wheels, the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux, familiar to previous Greek-based coinage of the region, has also appeared in the Gandhara art.

Thus, we can say that the Gandhara art represents the confluence of different cultures. In this form of art realism has been subtly combined with the local traditions of native country to produce sculptures of an elegantly classical kind. Further more, it may also be concluded that the amalgamation of Greco-Bactrian and Central Asian elements would have only been possible because of continuous contacts between the Gandharans and the Greco-Bactrian rulers.

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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