Geographical Location Of Himachal Pradesh In English


Geographical Location Of Himachal Pradesh In English

||Geographical Location Of Himachal Pradesh||Geographical Location Of HP In English||

The state of Himachal Pradesh that lies in North India is compact in shape and almost wholly mountaineous. Mighty Himalayan ranges, lofty peaks, beautiful valleys ond natural passes in between the mountains make the physiographic profile of the state.

Himachal Pradesh is situated in the North-West corner of India in Western Himalayas. It is spread over an area of 55673 sq km. It is a landlocked state that is surrounded by China in the East and four Indian states on other sides. The geographic location of the state is as follows

Geographical Location Of Himachal Pradesh In English

The geographical location of Himachal Pradesh is 30°22′ 40′ to 33°12′ 40″ North latitude and its longitudinal extent is 75°45’55” East to 79°04’20’ East. It is bordered by Jammu and Kashmir in the North, Punjab in the South-West, Haryana in the South, Urtarakhand and Uttar Pradesh in the South-East and China in the East. The average altitude of the region ranges from 350 m in plaina of Kangra and Una to nearly 6975 m in Central Himalayan range of Lahaul and Spiti. The elevation of the state increases from West to Fast and from South to North. Shimla is the first capital and Dharamshala is the second winter capital of Himachal Pradesh as declared on 19th January, 2017. For purpose, the state is divided into 12 districts.

The districts of Himachal Pradesh sharing boundries with other states and regions are:-

Geographical Location Of Himachal Pradesh In English

  • Uttarakhund ,Kinnaur, Shimla, Sirmaur
  • Uttar Pradesh Sirmaur with Yamuna river in the middle
  • Punjab Una, Bilaspur, Solan, Sirmaur
  • Jammu & Kashmir Kangra, Chamba, Lahaul and Spiti
  • Tibet Kinnaur, Lahaul and Spiti
||Geographical Location Of Himachal Pradesh||Geographical Location Of HP In English||

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