Government of India gave SJVN the status of Navratna company

Government of India gave SJVN the status of Navratna company


Government of India gave SJVN the status of Navratna company

SJVN has been conferred the prestigious Navratna status by the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India. This prestigious recognition makes the company the 25th Navratna of India, which is a significant milestone in the 36-year journey of SJVN. SJVN Chairman and Managing Director Sushil Sharma expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his visionary leadership in making this historic day a reality. He also thanked Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Power Minister Manohar Lal for their constant guidance and unwavering support. Mr. Sharma also extended special thanks to the Government of Himachal Pradesh for always supporting the company as an equity partner.

Mr. Sharma said, “Navratna status is conferred on select CPSEs that have consistently demonstrated exceptional financial performance and managerial efficiency. This will provide us with greater financial and operational freedom to pursue our business interests and contribute to the energy security of the nation. The Navratna status not only recognizes SJVN’s past achievements but also sets the stage for us to undertake larger projects, forge strategic partnerships and make a more significant contribution to the Government’s vision of achieving 500 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030.” The company can now invest on its projects without any financial ceiling, thereby accelerating the company’s growth. Additionally, the company can invest up to 30% of its net worth every year, thereby giving a major boost to its ambitious expansion plans. This enhanced autonomy also allows SJVN to form joint ventures, set up foreign subsidiaries and carry out organizational restructuring to improve operations.

SJVN was conferred the prestigious Miniratna status in 2008. Presently, SJVN has a project portfolio of 56,802.4 MW with thirteen projects in operation having a total installed capacity of 2466.5 MW and 75 projects comprising hydro, solar, wind, thermal and transmission lines at various stages of implementation. The Company was established in the year 1988 as a joint venture between the Government of India and the Government of Himachal Pradesh and has grown into a multi-faceted power entity with operations in India and Nepal.

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