Govt Medical College Chamba Junior Resident Recruitment 2021


 Govt Medical College Chamba Junior Resident Recruitment 2021

|| Govt Medical College Chamba Junior Resident Recruitment 2021|| Govt Medical College Chamba Junior Resident jobs 2021||

Applications are invited on prescribed proforma as per enclosed Annexure-A from the interested eligible candidates for the post of Junior Resident on tenure basis for a period of one year in various Specialties/Departments at Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College Chamba, District Chamba (H.P). The interested eligible candidates may apply for the posts on or before 31-12-2021 till 05:00 PM to the office of undersigned through e-mail ([email protected])/registered post, thereafter no application will be entertained. Walk-in-interview/counseling for the posts shall be conducted on dated 05-01-2021 at 11:00 AM onwards in the office of Principal, Pt. JLNGMC Chamba at Akhand Chandi Complex. The details of advertised posts, eligibility criteria/terms and conditions, application proforma (Annexure-B) and other terms & conditions of selection/appointment can be seen as well as downloaded from the official website i.e. www.gmcchạ

Vacancy Details:-

Eligibility Criteria:- Direct candidate and those regularly appointed GDOs who possess a MBBS degree as recognized by Medical Council of India will be eligible for the post of Junior Resident. These positions will not be offered to any Post Graduate doctor/contractual GDOS.

 Age limit:45 year and below.

 1) Provided further that upper age limit is relaxable for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other categories of persons to the extent permissible under the general or special order(s) of the Himachal Pradesh Government.

 2) Age limit for direct recruitment will be reckoned on the first day of the year in which the post(s) are advertised for inviting application. 

Pay & allowances:

1) GDOs appointed on regular basis, on their selection as Junior Resident will continue to draw pay and allowances/increments as admissible to them in their pays scale.

 2) The direct candidates will be paid emoluments @ Rs. 41,000/- (fixed per month) or emoluments as may be prescribed from time to time by the State Government.

Method of Selection:- These posts shall be filled up through walk-in-interview by prior notification of vacancies and inviting applications for the same. The applications received will be considered as per the following criteria:

a) First preference would be given to the direct MBBS doctors who are not in employment of the Government of Himachal Pradesh. The selection will be made purely on the basis of the merit of candidate in MBBS examinations. 

b) Second preference would be given to GDOs whose spouses are working, in order of preference as Senior Resident or Faculty in the respective Government Medical College or in the State/Central Government (including semi-government/autonomous bodies fully or partially funded by the Government). In case there is more than one applicant for particular position, the applicant having higher score in MBBS examination will be selected.

Important instructions:

1) Specially once chosen will be final and if selected, the candidates will not be permitted to change Specialty at any stage during this period/tenure except as provide under rules. 

2) Incomplete or wrongly addressed applications shall not be considered at all and shall be rejected out-rightly. The Principal will make no further correspondence with the candidate in the matter. 

3) The in-service GDOs/candidates are required to route their applicants through proper channel for obtaining NOC from the competent authority.  

4) The candidate should enclosed the certified/self attested copies of the following certificates/documents alongwith application form:

a. Certificate of Matriculation or its equivalent examination (for verification of age). 

b) Detail marks certificate of Professional examination (Degree/Diploma). 

C) Attempt certificate in respect of MBBS.

 d) Latest Registration Certificate from Medical Council

 e) Certificate showing category i.e. Gen./SC/ST/OBC etc.

 f) Character certificate from competent authority

 g) Identity/Address proof. h Two passport size photographs. Rest of the terms & conditions will apply the same as contained in the Resident Doctor Policy issued by the Govt. vide Notification No. HFW-B(B)1-10/2018 dated 22-06-2019 to this effect. No application of in service GDOs will be entertained for walk-in-interview unless the No Objection Certificate is issued by the Director Health Services, H.P. The appointment order of Junior Residents will/may be issued on receipt of final approval from the Government/Director Medical Education & Research, H.P. The undersigned reserves the right to postpone/cancel the recruitment process of Junior Residents without assigning any reason Incomplete applications shall not be considered at all and shall be rejected out-rightly. The undersigned will make no further correspondence with the candidate in the matter.

Last Date:-31-12-2021


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