Himachal Pradesh Economic Survey 2024-25(Hindi/English):-The Government of Himachal Pradesh publishes the Economic Survey annually and tables it in the State Legislature during the budget session. It presents the socioeconomic performance of the State across various sectors and recognizes the specific gaps and challenges to initiate appropriate action. Economic Survey, 2025-25 provides a comprehensive picture of the State’s Economy with its challenges, opportunities, strategies and a broad analysis of sectoral performances. It offers a comprehensive assessment of all sectors of the economy with challenges faced and responses thereto of the Government in terms of new policy initiatives as well as implementation of development schemes and programmes. The report embodies the macro view of the economy, fiscal performance and progress across major sectors of State’s economy
HP Economic Survey 2024-25(Hindi) | CLICK HERE |
HP Economic Survey 2024-25(English) | CLICK HERE |
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