Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service Competitive (Pre) Exam Result 2023On the basis of the performance in Preliminary Examination conducted on 09/07/2023, the candidates with the following Roll Numbers have been declared qualified for Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service Competitive (Main) Examination-2023.
HPJS Competitive (Pre) Exam Result 2023:-
HPJS Pre Result 2023 | CLICK HERE |
Further, it is informed that The H.P. Judicial Service Competitive (Main) Examination has been scheduled to be held from 19-08-2023 and date and time schedule for said Examination is as under:-

The candidates are also informed that marks, cut off marks of HPJS Examination-2023 will be uploaded on the Commission’s website, only after the entire process of the Examination is over, i.e. after the declaration of final result. The result is also available on the website of the Commission i.e. http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc. Although every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent/ technical error cannot be ruled out. The commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.