HP Atal Medical & Research university Section Officer,Secretary & Other Posts Recruitment 2022


  HP Atal Medical & Research university  Section Officer,Secretary & Other Posts  Recruitment 2022

||  HP Atal Medical & Research university  Section Officer,Secretary & Other Posts  Recruitment 2022||  HP AMRU   Secondment basis jobs Notification & Application Form 2022 ||

The Atal Medical & Research University, H.P., Mandi at Nerchowk invites applications from qualified and experienced officers/officials of State Govt. Departments or Central/State Govt. Universities or Institutions of Higher Education or Autonomous Bodies / Boards/ Corporations etc. for the posts on Secondment basis initially for a period of one year extendable upto 3 years or absorbed or till the posts are filled up on regular basis, whichever is earlier.

HP Atal Medical & Research university  Section Officer,Secretary & Other Posts  Recruitment 2022

An eminent & eligible employee working on the analogous post may apply in the prescribed application format available on the official website of the University i.e. (amruhp.ac.in). The University reserves the right not to fill up the above vacancies without assigning any reason. Hard copy of application on the prescribed proforma, through proper channel, must reach in the O/o Registrar, Atal Medical & Research University, H.P., Mandi at Nerchowk, SLBS Govt. Medical College & Hospital campus, Nerchowk, Mandi, H.P., Pin-175008 within 30 days from the date of issue of this advertisement. An advance copy may be sent before the last date. University will not be responsible for any postal delay.

General Instructions

 1. All posts are tenable at Mandi at Nerchowk, Himachal Pradesh. 

2. Post listed of the advertisement will be on tenure basis for one year initially.

 3. The maximum age limit for appointment shall not exceed 55 years as on the closing date of receipt of application. 

4. Application must clearly fill the name of post against which he/she has applied in the form clearly. The last date for submission of duly completed application along with attested copy of certificates in the University is within 30 days from the date of issue of this advertisement; thereafter no application will be entertained.

 5. University reserves the right to fill up the posts, not to fill up the posts or cancel the advertisement in whole or partly without assigning any reason. 

6. Incomplete applications/without relevant supporting enclosures application not on prescribed form will be out rightly rejected. University will not be responsible for any postal delay. 

7. The candidates fulfilling the laid down eligibility criteria may submit their application on the prescribed application form along with testimonial and latest passport size photo to The Registrar, Atal Medical & Research University, H.P., Camp office at SLBS Govt. Medical College & Hospital campus, Nerchowk, Mandi, H.P., Pin-175008 within 30 days from the date of issue of this advertisement along –with (a) photocopies of annual confidential reports of the candidate concerned for the last five years; (b) vigilance clearance report clearly indicating that no disciplinary or criminal proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the Officer/Official concerned; (c) statement showing the minor/major penalties imposed, if any and (d) integrity certificate. The envelop should be super scribed as “Application for the post of ……………………). The application received after the due date shall not be considered. 

8. Applicants who are in employment with Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Bodies, PSU,s etc. should route their applications through proper channel. 

9. The prescribed application forms can be downloaded from the website of University : – (amruhp.ac.in).


Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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