HP Ayush Vibhag Lecturers Recruitment 2022
||HP Ayush Vibhag Lecturers Recruitment 2022||HP Ayush Vibhag Lecturers Jobs Notification & Online Application Form 2022||HP Ayurvedic Department Lecturers Recruitment 2022||
College of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jogindernagar has been functioning under the “Society for Ayurvedic Pharmacy Education and Training, H.P.” The Society has been registered under H.P. Societies Registration Act 2006. Following posts in the College of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jogindernagar, under the “Society for Ayurvedic Pharmacy Education & Training” are to be filled up through walk-in interview :-
1. Two post of Lecturers (One in Pharmaceutics and one in Pharmacognosy subject) on contract basis with fixed contractual emoluments of Rs. 29220/per month as per new pay rules i.e. 60% of the first cell of the applicable level of the pay matrix of the corresponding cadre.
2. Age: Not less than 21 years and not more than 65 years.
3. :-Eligibility, Educational & Professional Qualification, and Experience
A) Essential qualification:
i) Bachelor degree in Pharmacy from recognized University or Pharmacy Council or AICTEE established by Law or from an Pharmacy College recognized by the H.P. Government and
ii) Post Graduate degree in Pharmaceutics/ Pharmacognosy from any recognized University established by Law and recognized by H.P. Government.
B) Desirable qualification:-
i) Preference shall be given to those having teaching experience in the field of specialization.
ii) Knowledge of customs, manner, dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing the Pradesh.
4. Terms of Appointment :- One year, which may be extended further on year to year basis subject to satisfactory service and conduct of contract employee. The desirous candidates may present themselves for walk-in interview in the Directorate of Ayush, H.P. Block No. 26, SDA Complex, Shimla, on …29.06.2022 at 11.00 AM with complete biodata alonwith original certificates/degree and one Photostat set of the certificates may also be brought with.
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