HP Consumer Commission President & Member Recruitment 2022


HP Consumer Commission President & Member Recruitment 2022

||HP Consumer Commission President & Member Recruitment 2022||HP Consumer Commission President & Member Jobs Notification & Online Application form 2022||

The Government of Himachal Pradesh invites applications, for filling up of following posts from suitable candidates, in sealed cover, so as to reach the office of Registrar, H.P. State Consumer Commission, Shimla-9, on or before 07/09/2022 upto 5.00 P.M. The sealed cover/envelope containing application should be super-scribed as “Application for the post of President, District Consumer Commission”, and “Application for the post of Member, District Consumer Commissions”.

Name of post :-President (Whole Time)

Number of posts:- 1 (one)

The Government of Himachal Pradesh re-advertise the following posts in District Consumer Commission, Lahaul & Spiti, Himachal Pradesh and invites applications from suitable candidates for the same in sealed cover, so as to reach the office of Registrar, H.P. State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Block No.33, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla-9 on or before 07/09/2022 upto 5.00 P.M, as per Rule 6(4) of the Consumer Protection (Qualification for appointment, method of recruitment, procedure of appointment, term of office, resignation and removal of the President and members of the State Commission and District Commission) Rules, 2020, framed under Consumer Protection Act, 2019:

1. Member (Part Time) :-One (Woman only) 

2. Member (Part Time):- One (Condition of man & woman does not apply)

Eligibility criteria for the post of President, District Commission: 

As per Rule 4(1) of the Consumer Protection (Qualification for appointment, method of recruitment, procedure of appointment, term of office, resignation and removal of the President and members of the State Commission and District Commission) Rules, 2020, framed under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 the eligibility criteria for the posts of President, District Commission is as follows:

– 4(1) “A person shall not be qualified for appointment as President, unless he is, or has been, or is qualified to be a District Judge.” Eligibility criteria for the post of Part time Members, District Commissions:

 4(2) “A person shall not be qualified for appointment as Member unless he-

 (a) is of not less than thirty-five years of age; 

(b) possesses a bachelor’s degree from a recognized University; and 

(c) is a person of ability, integrity and standing, and having special knowledge and professional experience of not less than fifteen years in consumer affairs, law, public affairs, https://himexam.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Madhya-Pradesh-MP-PEB-Group-2-Sub-Group-4-Various-Post-Answer-Key-2021.jpgistration, economics, commerce, industry, finance, management, engineering, technology, public health or medicine. Tenure The appointment of President, District Commission shall be on whole time basis for a period of four years or upto the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier. Members, District Commissions shall be appointed on part time basis for a period of four years or upto the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier. Salaries payable to President of the District Commission As per Rule 4 of Himachal Pradesh Consumer Protection (Salary and other terms and conditions of service of the President and Members of the District Commission/State Commission) Rules, 2021, 

President of the District Commission shall be entitled to:-

 (1) If a person who is District Judge is appointed as the President of the District Commission, then he shall be entitled to receive the salary which he was getting on the date of his such appointment.

 (2) In case the retired District Judge has been appointed as President of the District Commission then he shall be entitled to such salary as is admissible to District Judge of the State reduced by the gross amount of pension drawn by him. 

(3) If the President of the District Commission is a person qualified to be District Judge then he shall be entitled to salary to the minimum of the pay scale of the District Judge of the State. Remuneration/honorarium payable to Members of District Commission: As per Rule 5 of Himachal Pradesh Consumer Protection (Salary and other terms and conditions of service of the President and Members of the District Commission/State Commission) Rules, 2021, the members of District Commission shall be paid a consolidated remuneration /honorarium at the rate of Rs. 2000/- per sitting. Members shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowances on official tours equivalent to entitlements of Grade-I Officers of the State Government. They shall not be entitled to official vehicles as well as Government Accommodation. Procedure of appointment:- The Selection of Member or the President shall be regulated as per the provisions of Rule- 3 (3) and Rule, 4(3) of Consumer Protection (Qualification for appointment, method of recruitment, procedure of appointment, term of office, resignation and removal of the Presidents and Members of the State Commission and District Commission) Rules, 2020. Meaning thereby that the selection of Woman Member or Woman President shall be dependent on the constitution of the State Commission and District Commission, as the case may be. Incomplete applications or applications not supported by requisite documents shall not be considered. Applications must contain the fees of Rs.1,000/- (One thousand rupees) in the shape of demand draft/IPOs in favour of Registrar, H.P. State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Block No. 33, SDA-Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla-9. It is made clear that the candidates must apply on the format given below, failing which his/her application will not be entertained. The applications received after the last date of receipt of applications will be rejected and the candidates will not be called for interview. It is also made clear that the candidates, who do not enclose the documents along with their applications, their documents will not be considered later on. Candidates called for interview shall not be entitled to any TA/DA. The candidates are required to submit their applications in the given format(s) which can be downloaded from the official website of State Commission i.e http://hpconsumercommission.nic.in


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