HPF & AS (Main) Entrance Exam Admit Card 2023:-In continuation to this Commission’s Press Note dated 22.08.2023, it is for the information of all concerned that the HP F&AS (Main) Entrance Examination-2022 has been scheduled to be held w.e.f. 26-09-2023 to 28.09.2023 in the Examination Hall, H.P. Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002. The date and time schedule for said Examination is as under:-

The e-Admit cards and instructions to all provisionally admitted candidates for the above mentioned Examinats have been uploaded on the website of the Commission www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc. and the candidates have also been informed through SMS /e-mail on their respective Cellular Nos./ e-mail ID (s) provided by them in their respective online recruitment application forms. Therefore, all the provisionally admitted candidates are advised to download their e-admit card(s) alongwith instructions to the candidates from the above mentioned website and to bring e-admit cards in the examination centre on the day(s) of examination. For further query if any, the candidates may contact on telephone No, 0177- 2624313 and Toll free No. 1800-180-8004
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