HP GK One Liner Set-14

HP GK One Liner Set-14


HP GK One Liner Set-14

Daily HP GK one liner have many benefits. The biggest advantage is that it gives you more information in less time. Important facts or information are contained in a single line, which is easy to remember and helps a lot in exam preparation. One-liners are used in competitive exams, where there is a shortage of time and questions have to be answered quickly. Apart from this, taking a little information every day increases your general knowledge, so that you can also participate confidently in conversations. One-liners save time and are also useful for repeated revision, allowing you to study faster and effectively. With their help, you can easily understand small but important information and make your preparation even stronger.

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  • किस वर्ष हि.प्र. में सामुदायिक विकास कार्यक्रम शुरू किया गया था? –1952 में।
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