HP GK Question Answer In English Set-6

HP GK Question Answer In English Set-6


HP GK Question Answer In English Set-6 :-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Himachal Pradesh GK Question Answer In English Set-6. This is part 6. Check our website daily to see other parts.

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HP GK Question Answer In English Set-6:

385. Who was the Afghan emperor todefeat king Jaipal in 1001 ? Mahmud Gaznavi
386. Mahmud Gaznavi invaded which fort of H.P. in 1009 A.D.? P)-Nagarkot (Kangra)
387. Who was the ruler of Nagarkot at the time of invasian of Mahmud Gaznavi in 1009 A.D.? –Jai Chand (Jagdish Chand)
388.Who was first Sultan of Gazni who started encroaching in jurisdiction of Hindu Shahiya dynasty in the end of the 10th Century? –Subuktgin
389. In the end of the 14th Century who & was the Muslim invader to invade Kangra ? -Firozshah Tughluq
390. Which king of Kangra went on compaign around 1360 A.D. and almost won Delhi? –Roop Chand
391. In which year Taimurlung destroyed the temples of Kangra by invading it? -1398-99 A.D.
392. Who was the Muslim poet who translated the Sanskrit books kept in Jwalamukhi Temple into Persian in the reign of Firozshah Tughluq ? -Aajjuddin Khalid Khani
393. Firozshah Tughluq took 130 Sanskrit scriptures for translation alongwith him from which temple of H.P. in 1365 A.D.? -Jwalamukhi Temple
394. Which ruler after the occupation on Kangra took the Sanskrit books kept in Jwalamukhi temple for translation into Persian? -Firozshah Tughluq
395. Taimur invaded Kangra in whose reign ? –Megh Chand
396. Which Katoch king after Firozshah Tughluq’s surronding the Nagarkot Fort for six months surrendered in 1351 A.D.? —Rai Roop Chand
397. Which Tughluq ruler won Nagarkot Fort in 1337 A.D., but lost it later? –Mohammad Bin Tughluq
398. Which Muslim courtier first of all described about Nagarkot? Utbi 
399. Which king of Bushahar Province was conferred with title of Chhatrapati by Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb? –Kehri Singh 
400. Which native province of H.P. did not accept the hegemony of Emperor Akbar, however his army had occupied a big part of its territory? –Kangra
401. Which Mughal emperor built mosque in the fort of Nagarkot in 1620 A.D.? –Jahangir
402. First hilly chief who after the death of Aurangzeb and the disintegration of Mughal Empire again established his hegemony over his ancestoral jurisdiction Kangra ? –King Ghamand Chand
403. As an indicator of acceptance of his hegemony other than taking yearly dauceur, which way was adopted by Akbar to ascertain the abiding by hilly provinces ? –Hostage in Mughal Court (especially keeping the sons or relatives of kings of hilly provinces)
404. Why king Ghamand Chand started expanding his state? -Due to death of Aurangzeb and downfall of Mughals
405. When did Ghamand Chand die?  -1773 A.D.
406. Hussain Kuli Khan who was Subedar of Akbar of Punjab, lifted the surrounding of Nagarkot Fort due to which reason? –Due to rebellion of Ibrahim Hussain Mirza 407. Inspite of occupation over a major part of Kangra by Birbal (of Mughals), Nagarkot  Fort was under whose occupation??? -King Vidhi Chand
408. How man hilly princes were given the name of ‘Miyan’ in Mughal Court? -22 409. At the time of Ghamand Chand whose Fort? occupation was there over Kangra -Nawab Saif Ali Khan
410. With the help of which king Jahangir won Kangra Fort? -Jagat Singh
411. At the time of Nuruddin, the name Nurpur was kept because -Shah Jahan’s name being Nurudddin, Begum Nur Jahan’s name, and meaning of Nur being a beautiful place 
412. When did Jahangir and Nurjahan.ome to Kangra ?-1622 A.D.
413. Which king of Kangra was given title of Maharaj by Ahmedshah Abdali? –Ghamand Chand 

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