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ToggleHP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-12
If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh High Court Clerk job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Computer,GK & Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part -12. Check our website daily to see other parts.
HP High Court Clerk Test Series(10 Test With Answer Key) :- CLICK HERE
HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-12
HP High Court Clerk Test Series(10 Test With Answer Key) :- CLICK HERE
1. …………..gave stored program concept in which program and data to be processed are stored in the same memory.
(a) John Von Neumann
(b) Alan Turing
(c) Charles Babbage
(d) Bill Gates
Explanation:-The stored program concept was suggested by John Von Neumann. The idea was that the program is held in memory entirely so that the actual program can be modified by the computer while it is running.
2. Where was India’s first computer installed?
(a) Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
(b) Indian Institute of Science, Banglore
(c) Indian Iron and Steel Company Ltd. Burnpur
(d) Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
Explanation:-The world got the first computer in 1940s, but India bought the first computer in 1956. Its price was 10 lac. It was named HEC-2M. India’s first computer was installed at the Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata.
3. A hybrid computer is the one having the combined properties of:
(a) Super and micro computers
(b) Mini and micro computers
(c) Analog and Digital
(d) Super and mini computers
Explanation:-A hybrid computer combines the features of analog and digital computers, utilizing both continuous signals and discrete values for processing tasks. This allows for efficient handling of complex problems that may involve both numerical calculations and real-word simulations. Seismograph, barometer, etc. are examples of hybrid computer.
4. An electronic digital programmable computing device, that was used to break German ciphers during World War II was called………….
(a) Analog Computer
(b) Super Computer
(c) Difference Engine
(d) Colossus
Explanation:-The Colossus electronic digital programmable device was used to break German Ciphers text during world War-II. During the Second World War, British Scientist Dr. Alan Turing designed a Germany computer named Colossus for his country’s army so that Germany’s secret messages could be understood. The existence of this computer was hidden until the 1970s.
5. Which was the first Apple computer?
(a) Apple I
(b) Apple II
(c) Maschintosh
(d) Apple Lisa R
Explanation:-Apple-I was the first Apple computer. It was an 8-bit desktop computer released by Apple computer company in 1976. An original Apple computer built by firm co-founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1976 has fetched $400,000 ( Ƚ 294, 990) at auction in the US.
6. Kamla Rani and Roshni Devi have carved niche for themselves in the field of
A. Folk dance
B. Folk song
C. Painting
D. Carpet weaving
7. Minjar fair of Chamba started in?
A. AD 910
B. AD 920
C. AD 915
D. AD 935
8. Who is considered as the ‘Conqueror of Ladakh’?
A. Zorawar Singh Kahluria
B. Sansar Chand
C. Bakshi Pratap Singh
D. Captain Vikram Batra
9. Kuhls in Himachal Pradesh mostly get water from
A. Wells/tubewells
B. Streams
C. Dams
D. None of these
10. Deodar, fir, spruce and maple are the species of trees found in
A. Middle montane zone
B. Alpine zone
C. Temperate zone
D. Lower montane zone
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