HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-7

HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-7


HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-7

If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh High Court Clerk job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Computer,GK & Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part -7. Check our website daily to see other parts.

HP High Court Clerk Test Series(10 Test With Answer Key) :- CLICK HERE

HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-7

HP High Court Clerk Test Series(10 Test With Answer Key) :- CLICK HERE

1. Which of the following was developed by the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, also known as the arithmetic machine?
 (a) Abacus
(b) Pascaline
(c) Both Abacus and Pascaline
(d) Neither Abacus nor Pascaline

2.. What form does alpha-numeric data generally take in information system?
(a) Sentence and paragraph
 (b) Number and alphabetical
(c) Graphic and figure
(d) Human-sound and other sounds

3. Information on the computer is stored in the form of _____.
(a) Analog data
(b) Digital data
(c) Modem data
(d) Watts data 

4. Consider the following statements about components of a computer:

1. Input Unit- An input unit accepts instructions data from the user.
 2. Output Unit- An output unit accepts the output reduced by the computer as a result.
3. Memory Unit- It incorporates to store the input entered through the input unit before processing starts. 4. Central Processing Unit- It is the hardware thin a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer programme.
Which of these is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

5. Processed data is known as
 (a) Data
(b) Information
(c) Knowledge
(d) Analysis

6. What is the script of the earliest epigraphically rock inscriptions at Pathiar and Kanhiyara in Kangra?
A. Brahmi
B. Kharosthi
C. Prakrit
D. Both (A) and (B)

7. Which among the following Himalayan king, allied with Chanakya to ascend the throne of Magadha?
A. Sudas
B. Divodas
C. Parvatak
D. Shambara

8. Name the Vedic saint associated with the Renuka lake in Sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh.

A. Rishi Jamdagni
B. Rishi Vashishtha
C. Parshuram
D. None of them

9. Which region of ancient Himachal Pradesh was visited by Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang?

A. Hamirpur
 B. Nahan
C. Nagarkot
D. Kuluta

10. Toramana was the chief of
A. Saka tribes
B. Huns tribes
C. Naga tribes
D. Munda Tribes

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