HP High Court Judgment Writer/Personal Assistant (Mode-e) Exam Date 2023

HP High Court Judgment Writer/Personal Assistant (Mode-e) Exam Date 2023


HP High Court Judgment Writer/Personal Assistant (Mode-e) Exam Date 2023:- This is for information to all concerned that the “Stenography” & “Type to Type Test” for the Post(s) of Judgment Writer/Personal Assistant (Mode-e) – High Court (Direct Recruitment) scheduled to be held on 09.11.2023 (11:00 AM sharp) at test venue i.e., “Digital Vision Online Pvt. Ltd (MAC Institute), Near Shiv Mandir, Panthaghati, Shimla-9″.

Table of Contents

HP High Court Judgment Writer/Personal Assistant (Mode-e) Exam Date 2023 Overview:-

Recruitment BoardHP High Court
Post NameJudgment Writer/Personal Assistant (Mode-e)
Exam Date09 November 2023
Exam SyllabusCLICK HERE
Candidate ListCLICK HERE


1.Candidates shall have to qualify the stenography test with the speed of 110 W.P.M. in English and accurate transcription of the matter dictated within a period of 5 times to the time allotted for dictation and also a typing test in English with the typing speed of 55 W.P.M. on computer, wherefor a separate test shall be held.
2. Provided that only 10% of the mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and typed matter in typing test shall be allowed. In other words, the candidates committing more than 10% mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and in typed matter, in typing test, shall be declared as unqualified.
3. The time for dictation as well as typing test shall be ten (10) minutes each.
4. The Typing Test in English will be conducted on the computer by using typing software developed by the High Court of Himachal Pradesh, as per Rules prescribed therefor.
5. The keyboard will be provided by the High Court of Himachal Pradesh and candidates will not be allowed to use their keyboards.
6. Candidates are only being informed about the date, time and venue of the Test through SMS alerts and Email on their registered Mobile Number(s) and email IDs provided by them at the time of filling up of online application form(s).
7. Candidates are required to go through the Rules, other conditions and information uploaded on the High Court website. They are advised to check their SMSs & Email regularly besides checking of official website of H.P. High Court, for obtaining updates with regard to the Test.
8. Use of cellular phones or any other electronic gadgets/instruments, is strictly prohibited during the test.
9. The candidates are required to paste their passport-size latest photograph duly selfattested, in the space provided on the Admit Card/ Hall Ticket. No candidate will be allowed to appear for the test without Admit Card/ Hall Ticket.
10. Candidates are required to report at the venue of examination one hour before the scheduled timings and candidate will be allowed to appear only in the batch, date and time allotted to them and no request for change of batch, date & time will be considered.
11. The candidates are also required to bring one of the authorized Photo IDs (i.e. Aadhaar Card/ Driving License, Voter ID or ID of any recognized organization etc.) with them and it must be original, valid and not expired. Photocopy & scanned copy of Photo IDs in mobile phone are not acceptable.
12. Before downloading the Admit Card/ Hall Ticket from their individual Profile under ‘My Account’ at the appropriate link provided therefor, the candidate should check very carefully discrepancies, if any, and bring to the notice of the Recruitment Cell, H.P. High Court without loss of time, through e-mail i.e. [email protected] or telephonically.
13. The candidate must note that their admission is strictly provisional on the basis of the declaration made by them on the application form and the this Admit Card/ Hall Ticket is subject to the condition that if any ineligibility is detected at any stage, their candidature shall be liable to be rejected.
14. Candidates are required to follow the Covid-19 guidelines issued by the Government from time to time and maintain proper social distancing by keeping reasonable distance with each other while appearing for the Test(s).
15. No T.A. / D.A. will be paid by the High Court to appear for the Test/Exams.
16. Any request qua re-checking/re-evaluation of answer sheets will not be entertained, in any case.

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