HP History MCQ Question Answer Set-9 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh History MCQ Question Answers. This is part 9. Check our website daily to see other parts.
These HP History question answer is useful for all government papers of Himachal Pradesh like Police, Patwari Forest Guard, Conductor and all other papers.
HP History GK Online Quiz Set-9
#1. To whom did the Mughal Emperor Akbar confer Kangra as a jagir in 1572 AD?
#2. Who was the commander of the Mughal army which ruled Kangra in 1620 AD?
#3. Which Mughal emperor was imprisoned Jaichand, the ruler of Kangra?
#4. Which king of Himachal was given the title of Chhatrapati by Aurangzeb?
#5. Which ruler extended his kingdom after the dissolution of the Mughal empire?
#6. In which of the following cities, Jahangir built a inside the fort?
#7. After the fall of the Mughal Empire and the Afghans' capture of Punjab in 1752, whose occupancy was established on the hill states?
#8. In which year did Shah Jahan appoint Raja Jagat Singh Pathania of Nurpur as the army of Kangra
#9. The battle of Nerti took place between the rulers of which state?
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