HP Industries Department Mali/Beldar (Class-IV) Recruitment 2022


HP Industries Department Mali/Beldar (Class-IV) Recruitment 2022

||HP Industries Department (Sericulture Wing) Mali/Beldar (Class-IV) Recruitment 2022||HP Industries Department Mali/Beldar (Class-IV) Jobs Notification & Online Application form 2022||

Applications are invited for filling up of 7 posts of Mali/Beldar (Class-IV) on Daily wage basis in the Department of Industries (Sericulture Wing) Himachal Pradesh in accordance with the Recruitment & Promotion Rules for the post of Mali/ Beldar (Class-IV) notified by the Government vide Notification No. Ind-II(B)2-3/2016 dated 24.01.2017 and subsequent notification of even number dated 29.08.2017 and Govt. approval dated 01.08.2022 under the instructions contained in the Government Notifications issued vide No. Per (AP.B) B(15)- 5/2014 dated 17.04.2017 and No. PER (AP) C-A(3)-5/2013 dated 08.06.2017 on the rates as notified by the State Government for the daily waged workers from time to time. These posts of Mali/Beldar are to be filled on the stations as follows:-

Name Govt. Sericulture Centre

 1. Dheen Kataru, Tehsil Thunng, Distt. Mandi

 2. Dharot, Tehsil Chachyot at Gohar, Distt Mandi

 3. Sarao, Tehsil Chachyot at Gohar, Distt. Mandi 

4. Baga Chanogi, Tehsil Thunag, Distt. Mandi 

5. Murah, Tehsil Balichowki, Distt. Mandi 

6. Sainj Tehsil Chachyot at Gohar Distt. Mandi 

7. Manglore, Tehsil Banjar, Distt. Kullu

Total number of posts: 5(Un-reserved UR = 2 UR (WFF) = 1 EWS = 1 Schedule Caste SC (WFF) = 1)

Terms and conditions: 

1. Education and other qualification 

1.1 Essential: Middle Pass from a recognized Board of School Education/ Institution.

 1.2 Desirable: Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar condition prevailing in the Pradesh. 

1.3 The candidate should be a Bonafide Himachali. 

2. Age Limit: The age of the applicant should be between 18 and 45 years as on 01.01.2022. The relaxation in upper age limit is permissible upto 5 years in case of SC/ST/OBC/WFF applicant as per instructions of the Government of H.P. 

3. Eligibility Criteria for the posts reserved for WFF: The sons/ grandsons and unmarried daughters/ granddaughters and widow/ divorced daughters/ granddaughters, are wholly dependent on the family of the freedom fighter shall be covered under the definition of wards of freedom fighters for the benefits of reservation provided to the wards of freedom fighters in Government services. The benefit of reservation of ward of freedom fighters under the wards of freedom fighters reservation shall also be extended to the married daughters and grand-daughters of freedom fighters, subject to the final outcome of the pending petitions for Special Leave to Appeal before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. 

4. How to Apply: The desirous and eligible candidates applying for the post of Mali/ Beldar may apply on the prescribed application form also uploaded on the Departmental Website (Website: emerginghimachal.hp.gov.in) alongwith attested copies of all relevant testimonials/ documents so as to show their age/ qualification/ experience etc. The Applications should be addressed to the Director of Industries, Himachal Pradesh, Udyog Bhawan, Bemloe, Shimla-171001. The envelope containing application form should be super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MALI/ BELDAR (Daily Wage Basis)”. 

5. Last Date for Receipt of Applications: Application duly complete in all respect must reach to the Director of Industries, Udyog Bhawan, Bemloe, H.P. Shimla-171001, within 21 days from the publication in the Newspapers and within 36 days in case of tribal areas candidates. 

6. Application Fee : Rs. 200/- for General Categories and Rs. 100/- for SC/ST/OBC categories which may be deposited in the name of Director of Industries, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171001 through RTGS only in Current Account Number: 55069383520 of State Bank of India, Shimla East, H.P. Secretariat, Shimla (IFSC Code : SBIN0050204). The proof of the fee deposited clearly mentioning the UTR number of RTGS alongwith date in the above Bank must be attached in original with the application form. In case the receipt of fee is not attached with the application form, the same shall be rejected. 

7. Mode of Selection:Selection for appointment to the post shall be made on the basis of merit of prescribed Educational Qualification followed by evaluation of documents/ certificates as specified in Appendix-I duly issued by the respective competent authorities as per Appendix-II.

 8. Evaluation: The scrutiny/ verification and evaluation of documents/ certificates shall be made by constituting a Committee of the departmental officers. The date of evaluation shall be intimated separately. 


1. The application must be submitted on the prescribed format only and an attested recent passport size photograph must be pasted in the space provided in the application form. 

2. The applicant should be a bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh. 

3. The candidates must possess requisite essential qualification prescribed for the post.

 4. The name of the candidate must be registered in the concerned Employment Exchange.

 5. The applicant appling for the post reserved for WFF should have the documentary proof/ certificate with respect to the Ward of Freedom Fighter issued by the competent authority. 

6. The application should be sent under registered cover/ speed post addressed to the Director of Industries, Himachal Pradesh, Udyog Bhawan, Bemloe, Shimla171001. The envelope containing application form should be super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MALI/ BELDAR (Daily Wage Basis)”. 

7. The attested photocopies of the following documents/ certificates must be attached with the application:-

 (i) Admit Card 

(ii) Age Proof 

(iii) Educational Qualification Certificates (Note: Middle Pass Certificate is compulsory)

 (iv) Bonafide Himachali Certificate 

(v) Certificate with respect to Ward of Freedom Fighter issued by the Competent Authority (This certificate is required from the applicants applying for the posts reserved for WFF) 

(vi) Employment Registration Certificate 

(vii) The proof of fee deposited in the Bank clearly mentioning the UTR No. of RTGS alongwith date duly signed and stamped by the Bank authorities in original

 (viii) The proof of category i.e. SC/ ST/ OBC

 (ix) Certificate regarding belonging to notified Backward Area/ Panchayat as the case may be, issued by the SDO (C)/ Tehsildar/ Naib Tehsildar

 (x) Certificate regarding Landless family/ family having land less than 1 Hectare issued by the SDO (C)/ Tehsildar/ Naib Tehsildar

 (xi) Non-employment certificate to the effect that none of the family members is in Government/ Semi-Government service issued by the SDO(C)/ Tehsildar/ Naib Tehsildar 

(xii) Certificate regarding differently abled persons with more than 40% impairment/ disability/ infirmity issued by the Health & Family Welfare authorities/ Medical Boards

 (xiii) NSS (atleast one year) certificate/ NCC Certificate/ The Bharat Scout & Guides issued by the Head of concerned Institution or Certificate regarding Medal winner in National Level sports competitions issued by concerned District Youth Services & Sports Officer/ Head of Institution 

(xiv) Certificate of BPL family having annual income (from all sources) below Rs. 40,000/- or as prescribed by the Govt. from time to time, issued by the Block Development Officer (BDO) 

(xv) Certificate of Widow/ divorced/ destitute/ single woman issued by the Block Development Officer (BDO) 

(xvi) Certificate of single daughter/ orphan issued by the Block Development Officer (BDO) 

(xvii) Certificate of experience upto a maximum of 5 years in Govt./ SemiGovt. Organization relating to the post applied for, issued by the competent authority 

(xviii) Self addressed envelope alongwith postal stamps

 8. Incomplete application or received after due date or not in accordance with the prescribed format shall not be considered. No correspondence will be entertained to that respect. 

9. Application fee once paid will not be refunded.

 10. The Department will not be responsible for any kind of postal delay. 

11. No TA/ DA will be admissible.

 12. All the documents/ certificates in original will have to be produced at the time of Evaluation, failing which the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled/ rejected.

 13. Disputes, if any shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.


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