HP Labour & Employment Dept. Clerk ,JOA IT,Peon Exam Documentation Date 2022


 HP Labour & Employment  Dept. Clerk ,JOA IT,Peon Exam  Documentation Date 2022

||HP Labour & Employment Clerk ,JOA IT,Peon Exam  Documentation Date 2022||HP Labour & Employment Clerk ,JOA IT,Peon Exam  Documentation Schedule 2022||

It is to inform all concerned that documentation process to fill up various posts of visually Impaired category in the Department of Labour & Employment, H.P. has been scheduled as under:-

1.Clerk (one post) 

Date & Time:-17.02.2022 at 10.00 AM

Venue:-Directorate of of Labour Labour & Employment, Shimla-1. Near Himland Hotel, H.P. 

 2. Jr. Office Assistant (IT) (One Post)

Date & Time:-18.02.2022 at 10.00 AM

Venue:-Directorate of of Labour Labour & Employment, Shimla-1. Near Himland Hotel, H.P. 

3. Peon (one Post)

Date & Time:-18.02.2022 at 10.00 AM

Venue:-Directorate of of Labour Labour & Employment, Shimla-1. Near Himland Hotel, H.P. 

 Accordingly call letters have been issued to eligible candidates through Registered Posts. List of candidates who have been issued call letters is attached as per details given below:basis)

 1. List of candidates who were issued call letters for Clerks under visually Impaired category

 2. List of candidates who were issued call letters for Junior Office Assistant (IT) under visually Impaired category

 3. List of candidates who were issued call letters for Peon under Visually Impaired category 

If any candidate as per list has not received call letters, he may contact the office of undersigned on any working day between 10 am to 5p.m. Please note that the vacancies mentioned above are only meant for visually Impaired category Candidates are advised to bring the following documents in original for documentation process and attend the documentation process as per schedule mentioned above.

 1. Essential educational qualification certificate as per R& P Rules 

2. Disability certificate by Medical Board/Authorities 

3. Additional Qualification Certificate 

4. Certificate belonging to Notified Backward Area or Panchayat 

5. Certificate of Landless family family having and less than 1 Hectare to be certified by the concerned Revenue Authority 

6. Non-employment Certificate to the effect that none of the family member is in Government /Semi Government 

7. Certificate of BPL Family having family annual income from all sources) below Rs. 40,000/- or as prescribed by the govt. from time to time,

 8. Certificate regarding Widow/divorced /destitute/Single woman

 9. Certificate regarding Single daughter/Orphan 

10. Training certificate of atleast 6 months duration related to the post applied for from a recognized University/Institution

 11.Experience certificate up to maximum of 5 years in Govt./semi-Govt/organization relating to the post applied for,


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