HP Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2021


HP Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2021

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 The recruitment is a 6 stage process. 

(a) Stage – 1: Submission of Online Recruitment Application (ORA), deposition of fees.

(b) Stage- 2 : Individual DRC shall notify the recruitment schedule and place.

(c) Stage -3: Physical standard test.

The DRC shall carry out the screening of the candidates for the mentioned physical standards. The applicants are required to fulfil the minimum eligibility physical standards. This scrutiny shall be conducted at every District Headquarter for all the candidates who have successfully submitted the online application form and have successfully submitted the fees as prescribed. The dates for screening of physical standards shall be notified separately for each district. This process will be video graphed

The category wise minimum qualifying criteria as laid down in Reference – iii and stated in para -2 earlier is reiterated as follows: 

HP POLICE Height and chest

Only those candidates who shall qualify the minimu physical standards as mentioned above will be allowed to proceed for next stage of the recruitment.

(d) Marks for height (maximum up to 5 Marks): As laid down in Reference-ii, the candidates will be awarded marks (maximum upto 5 marks) as indicated in the table below for possessing height over and above the minimum qualifying criteria as per existing recruitment procedure. These marks will be

counted in the final merit of the candidates:

👉Height for male candidate(in feet & inches)

  • Less than 5-7″:- 0 Marks
  • 5′-7″ but less than 5′-8″:-:- 1 Marks
  • 5-8″ but less than 5′-9″:- 2 Marks
  • 5′-9″ but less than 5′-10″:-3 Marks
  • 5′-10″ but less than 5-11″:- 04 Marks
  • 5-11″ and above:- 05 Marks

👉Height for female candidate(in feet & inches)

  • Less than 5-2:-:- 0 Marks
  • 5-2″ but less than 5-3″:-:- 1 Marks
  • 5-3″ but less than 5-4″:- 2 Marks
  • 5-4″ but less than 5′-5″:- 3 Marks
  • 5′-5″ but less than 5-6″:- 4 Marks
  • 5′-6″ and above:- 5 Marks

List of candidates who are found eligible for as per physical standards will be put up on the notice board in the District S.P. Office by the committee immediately after completion of physical standards test and qualified candidates shall be called for Stage – 4.

(e) Stage – 4 Physical Efficiency Test, (PE hich will be of qualifying nature.

The candidates who qualify Stage – shall be required to go through a Physical Efficiency Test (PET). This test will be conducted at all the District Headquarters. The dates for PET will be decided by the DRC for every District. The dates for PET will be fixed by DRC in such a manner that the number of candidates appearing on a given day stays manageable, especially with respect to COVID protocol management. ancora

The events and the qualifying criteria for PET are mentioned below:

hp police pet



(i) The PET will be qualifying in nature only. No marks will be awarded to the candidates based on their performance in the PET.

(ii) Request for change of date of PET will not be entertained

(iii) Candidate who fails to quality in any event/parameter will be disqualified forthwith and will not participate in the subsequent event

(iv) The dope test shall be carried out to detect narcotics oplates at the outset of PET during the recruitment.

(V) Videography of the outdoor Physical Efficiency test will be will be done for the sake of transparency

(vi) A Basic list including candidate’s name, allotted registration number and marks scored in the Physical Standard Test will be prepared. The list shall be published online and displayed on the Notice Board of the concerned District S.P.Office and qualified candidates shall report for stage-5 on the appointed date, time and venue.

(f) Stage – 5:Written Examination (80 Marks)

Written examination for all those candidates who have qualified the Stage will be held in the respective cistricts, preferably on the same day for all districts. Written examination shall be of 80 marks. The duration of the test will be 60 minutes. It will consist of objective type questions from following subjects:

1. English language:- 16 questions (10+2 standard)

2. Hindi language:-16 questions(10+2 standard)

3. General Awareness :-16 questions(10+2 standard)

4. Mathematics & Science:- 16 questions Mathematics of 10″ standard,Science 10+2 standard

5  Reasoning Aptitude :-16 questions 10+2 standard

Minimum qualifying marks(a) For SC/ST candidates = 40%

(b) For all other categories – 50%

This process will be video graphed.

The result of the written examination shall be put up online and also displayed on the Notice Board of the concerned District S.P. Office displaying marks secured by all the candidates (out of a maximum of 80 marks) who appeared in the writtenexamination),

||HP Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2021||HP Police Constable Exam Pattern 2021||HPP  Constable Exam Syllabus 2021||Himachal Pradesh Police Constable  Syllabus 2021||

(g) Stage – 6 Scrutiny of documents and award of marks for certificates (15 Marks)

Stage 6 shall be in two parts:

(a) Scrutiny of all documents related to eligibility for the post of Constables, The burden of producing documents determining the eligibility of the candidates shall rest on the applicant. The absence of any certificate which entitles the candidate to be considered as special class/category. shall make the candidate ineligible for such consideration. .

 (b) Evaluation with respect to 15 marks, on account of special certificates earned by the candidates, shall be carried out as per the following criteria as elaborated in Reference –

hp police constable syllabus

hp police constable syllabus

The final result showing the marks obtained in each of the three stages (i) + (ii) + (iii). out of 100 marks and also including the position of respective reserved categories shall be put up online and displayed in respect of all the candidates who appeared for the Scrutiny and Evaluation of documents on the Notice Board of the District S.P. office immediately after completion of Stage – 6. 

(h) Stage-7 Medical Examination: The selected candidates shall undergo a medical examination by the Medical Board constituted by the Superintendent of Police with the consultation of Chief Medical Officer as per Reference – ii. The terms and specification for the Medical Board be defined as per Reference – vi. Further, it is clarified that: The female candidate found pregnant at the time of Medical Examination shall be considered temporary unfit and shall re-appear for Medical Examination after her post-partum period of forty two days after delivery. 

(i) Medically unfit candidates shall be infomed of the rejection of their candidature. The result of the Medical Examination shall be displayed on the Notice Board of District S.P. concerned. 

(ii) An appeal against the Medical Report may be filed before the concerned District Superintendent of Police within 7 days of the display of the result of Medical Examination. The Superintendent of Police concerned shall cause a Review Medical Board to be constituted by the Chief Medical Officer of the concerned district. This Board shall submit its report within 30 days.

 (iii) Suitable candidates from the waiting list shall be substituted in the place of the candidates who have been finally declared medically unfit. .

  Stage 8- Verification of Character & antecedent 

 The verification of character and antecedents of the selected candidate who have been selected provisionally will be carried out through concerned District Police but the process for issuance of appointment 


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