HP State Wool Federation Ltd Sheep Shearers (Class-IV) Recruitment 2022


 HP State Wool Federation Ltd Sheep Shearers (Class-IV) Recruitment 2022

||HP State Wool Federation Ltd Sheep Shearers (Class-IV) Recruitment 2022||HP State Wool Federation Ltd Sheep Shearers (Class-IV) jobs notification 2022||

Applications are invited from the bonafide Himachali candidates for filling up of ten (10) posts of Sheep Shearers (Class-IV) on contract basis in the H.P. State Cooperative Wool Procurement and Marketing Federation Ltd., Himachal Pradesh.

Total number of posts: 10 – Ten

  • Gen.- 5 
  • EWS- 1 
  • OBC -2 
  • SC -2 

Total -10

Contractual Emoluments/ Remuneration: Equal to 60% (Sixty percent) of the first cell of the applicable Level-1 of the Pay Matrix of the corresponding cadre of employees, appointed/working on a regular basis. 

Terms and Conditions: 

1. Education and other qualifications: 

1.1 Essential Qualification(s):

 (i) Candidate should have passed Matriculation Examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board or School Education/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh.

 (ii) A Certificate of sheep shearing from recognized Institute/Trained under any GOI/Govt. of HP Programme/scheme.

 i) Minimum 2 years experience in sheep shearing with minimum of 2,500 sheep shorn per year or 5,000 sheep shorn cumulative in two years. 

1.2 Desirable Qualification(s): Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 

1.3 The candidate should be a Bonafide Himachali. 

2. Age Limit: The age of the applicant should be between 18 and 45 years Clarification:

 2.1 Age of the candidate shall be reckoned as on 01-01-2022.

 2.2The upper age limit is relax-able by 05 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC. 

3. Place of Posting Anywhere in Himachal Pradesh

 1. How to Apply: – The desirous and eligible candidates applying for the post of Sheep Shearer may apply on the prescribed application form uploaded on the Federation`s website (website: https://www.himachal.nic.in/woolfed) along with attested copies of all relevant testimonials/documents so as to show their age/qualification/experience etc. All applications should be addressed to the Managing Director, H.P. Wool Federation Ltd, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla-9, HP. The envelope containing application form should be super-scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SHEEP SHEARER (CLASS-IV) ON CONTRACT BASIS. 

2. Last Date for Receipt of Applications: – All applications duly complete in all respect must reach the office of the Managing Director, H.P. Wool Federation Ltd., Shimla-9 on or before 08-04- 2022 For the candidates residing in Lahaul & Spiti District, Kinnaur District, Pangi & Bharmour Sub-Divisions of Chamba District and DodraKwar Sub-Division of Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of application is 23-04-2022 (4.00PM). The applications received late will not be entertained. 

3. Application Fee: – Rs. 400/- for General Category and Rs. 100/- for Reserved category (Proof of category has to be attached along with application) and There is no fee for the Female candidates. The fee should accompany the application in the form of Demand Draft payable at Shimla in the name of ‘H.P. State Wool Federation Ltd. The application without prescribed fee shall be rejected.

General Instructions: –

 1.All desirous candidates must apply only on the prescribed form which is appended as Annexure-B to be printed on A-4 size paper. Application received in any other format will be out rightly rejected. 

2. The application form should be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwriting with blue/black ink ball point pen. 

3. The candidate must fulfill all the required essential educational and other qualifications on the last date fixed for the submission/receipt of application forms 

4. The candidates are advised to fill up and submit the application form very carefully as incomplete application forms will be outrightly rejected, without assigning any reason. No additions or alterations will be allowed in the submitted application under any circumstances.

 5. The validity of OBC certificate is for one year from the date of its issuance.

 6. The candidates are required to furnish valid certificates in support of his/her claim to the post/s. 

7. Only Himachal bonafide candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC will be eligible for the posts reserved for respective categories. 

8. Candidates should also attach oneself addressed envelope of 9 x 4 (inch) size along with Rs. 10/- (Ten) postage stamp pasted on it with the application form. 

9. The originals certificates/testimonials will be seen only at the time of evaluation. 

10. Only attested certificates are required to be submitted. 

11. Since the job requirements involve extensive touring – including long tours on foot with load (Shearing Equipment / Machine) on the back, both in the tribal and non-tribal areas of the Pradesh and handling of livestock, it is advised that only those candidates should apply who possess sound mental and physical health.


Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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