HPNLU Shimla Hostel Attendant Recruitment 2022


 HPNLU Shimla Hostel Attendant Recruitment 2022

||HPNLU Shimla Hostel Attendant Recruitment 2022||HPNLU Shimla Hostel Attendant jobs notification 2022||

Applications are invited for filling up the following posts, on purely daily wages basis, through Walk-inInterview, scheduled to be held on March 03, 2022. Interested candidates are required to fill Application Form in the prescribed format and bring the hardcopy of completed application form along with required certificate/documents on the date of the interview. All interested candidates are required to report in person and submit application form along with prescribed application fee, on the date of interview, at “Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, 16 Mile Shimla-Mandi National Highway, Ghandal. District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh-171014”

Post Name:-Attendant for Girls Hostel (Daily wages) 

Number of Posts:-08 (Female) 

Tenure:-03 months 

Essential Qualification:- 10th pass from a recognized Board of School Education. 

Pay Scale (Consolidated):-Rs. 300/- per day 

Reporting Time on the date of Interview:-9.00 AM to 10.00 AM

General Instructions 

1. The candidates must be a citizen of “India” and Bonafide resident/domicile of the State of Himachal Pradesh.

 2. The age limit is between 18 to 45 year. The limit shall be determined as on the date of Walk-in-Interview. The upper age limit for SC, ST, OBC, person with disabilities, and children and grandchildren Freedom Fighters candidates shall be relaxed by five years. This relaxation shall also be applicable for Ex. Service person candidates. 

3. The candidates are required to produce original documents on the date and at the reporting time for the walk-in-interview.

 4. Incomplete applications/without relevant or supporting enclosures/attachments will be rejected out rightly. 

5. Application other than in the prescribed format shall not be entertained. 

6. University reserve the right to fill up the posts, not to fill up the posts, increase/reduce number of post(s) or cancel the advertisement, in whole or in part, without assigning any reason.

 7. Application fee is Rs. 500/- payable by way of Demand Draft, in favour of the Registrar, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, payable at Shimla. 

8. Applicants reporting and submitting application form beyond prescribed time shall not be considered. 

9. No TA/DA shall be admissible.



Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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