HPNLU Shimla Security Guard,Hostel Warden & Other Posts Recruitment 2022


HPNLU Shimla Security Guard,Hostel Warden & Other Posts Recruitment 2022

||HPNLU Shimla Security Guard,Hostel Warden & Other Posts Recruitment 2022||HPNLU Shimla Teaching & Non Teaching Staff  Jobs Notification & Application Form 2022|| 

Online Applications are invited for direct recruitment to the posts of under mentioned categories. Interested candidates may apply using the online recruitment portal of the Website of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla i.e. http://www.hpnlu.ac.in.The application may be submitted by registering at the: ERP Portal of HPNLU, Shimla (www.erphpnlu.in) within the time duration prescribed. The candidates are strictly advised to apply online well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates of submission of Online Recruitment Applications (ORA). No offline Application Form will be accepted by the University. The candidates must read the instructions carefully for filling up ORA available on the website of HPNLU i.e. http://www.hpnlu.ac.in. The downloaded copy of the online application form along with necessary original certificates and self-attested photocopies must be brought at the time of Exams/tests/interview etc., as the case may be. Category and details of the posts advertised are given below:

1.Post Name:-Research Associate (Law) (Consolidated basis, for one year)

  • No. Of Posts:- 01(UR)
  • Education Qualification:-As per the UGC Regulations 2018, and HPNLU, Executive and Service Regulations 2020 for the post of Assistant Professor of Law
  • Payable application Fee:- 2500/-

2.Post Name:-Hostel Warden

  • No. Of Posts:- 02 (UR) (01Male, 01 female)
  • Education Qualification:-He / She shall hold Post Graduate Degree (minimum 55% marks) in any discipline and working
  • Payable application Fee:- 2500/-

3.Post Name:-Security Guard (Male) Contractual Basis, (on full salary) for One Year

  • No. Of Posts:- 15 (UR-08, SC-03, OBC03, EWS-01)
  • Education Qualification:-10th pass from a recognized Board of School Education. Preferable: ExServicemen who have been released from the service most recently. The ExService man male Security Guards should be preferably below the age of 50years
  • Payable application Fee:- 1,200/- (For SC, OBC and EWS the payable fee Rs. 600/-)


 i. The University reserves the right to dispense with the written examination for the post keeping in view the number of applications viz-a-viz vacancies and other circumstances. In lieu of marks for written test, the University may prescribe a direct selection criterion based on essential qualifications prescribe in the Regulations, (as applicable), and may directly conduct the Interview, Skill test/ evaluation of all the eligible applicants, as the case maybe.

 ii. Date for determining eligibility of all candidates in respect of Essential Qualification(s) and Experience, if any, etc. shall be determinable according to the prescribed closing date for submission of On-Line Recruitment Application (ORA) Form.

 iii. Age: The minimum and maximum age limit of 18 to 45 years shall be determinable according to the prescribed closing date for submission of On-Line Recruitment Application (ORA) Form. 

iv. The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes, Persons with disabilities & Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The upper age relaxation is also available to Ex-servicemen candidates of H.P. as per provisions of relevant rules.

 v. The candidates are advised to note down the USER ID and PASSWORD and this user ID and password will be applicable forall future reference regarding the examination/tests, downloading roll numbers/call letters/entering fee detail etc. No otherassistance can be provided in these issues. 

vi. The candidates are advised to give their working mobile number and email ID, used by them in the online recruitment (ORA)application and ensure their working till the completion of selection process to avoid inconvenience. There is no other means ofcontacting them except their email & Mobile numbers. 

vii. The candidates shall fill up their complete and correct particulars in the ORA forms to avoid rejection of candidature.Furnishing incorrect information may disqualify the candidate from appearing for recruitment to any post to be advertised bythe University for a period of three years.

 viii. No other mode except online payment (throughthe ‘payment gateway’ prescribed and available on the recruitment portal of the university, is acceptable for deposit of fees. 

ix. No. of post(s) is/ are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time for different categories of posts may be added. Therefore, candidates are requested to apply under their respective category (s) as the post of any reserved category can be included to be filled up on the basis of this advertisement. The number of vacancies & reservation of post is liable to be altered without anynotice. 

x. The candidates must keep on checking the website regularly for any further information regarding their roll numbers, admit card, evaluation schedule etc. 

xi. As per the Government notification vide No. PER(AP)-C-B-1/2019 Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel (AP-III) dated 11.06.2019 when an Economically Weaker Sections EWS candidate is not available for selection, the post(s) will be treated automatically as de-reserved and will be filled up from a non EWS candidate of unreserved category. 

xii. In cases of posts under categories ‘C’ and ‘D’ the candidate shall be eligible for applying and appointment, if he/she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 from any school / institution situated within Himachal Pradesh.Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis. 

xiii. Dispute, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdictions of HP. 

xiv. The University reserves the right to change any other terms of the advertisement or to rectify the inadvertent errors at any stage.

 xv. For all Groups of posts, terms and conditions of eligibility, appointment and services shall be governed by the relevant rules of theUniversity. 

xvi. Applicantsmust upload experience certificate, wherever required, from appropriate institution/authority clearly specifying duration of service, pay scale and last gross salarydrawn. xvii. All further communications related to the above recruitments shall be through letter/ notices displayed on the University website i.e. http://www.hpnlu.ac.in.

 xviii. UR- unreserved; SC- Scheduled Casts; OBC- other backward classes; EWSeconomically weaker sections.



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