HPPSC Lecturer School (New) Exam Syllabus:-Apropos of this Commission’s advertisements Nos. 8/10- 2023 to 17/10-2023 dated 17.10.2023 vide which 585 posts of Lecturers (School New) were advertised to invite Online Recruitment Applications from eligible and desirous candidates for making direct recruitment to various subjects in the Department of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh. In these advertisements, it was mentioned that syllabus & Pattern of Examination will be notified separately. Now after due approval of the Commission, the Syllabus & Examination Pattern of both the papers i.e. I & II for the said posts are notified as under:-
Paper I | Paper II |
Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) This paper will be a qualifying paper only and candidates are required to obtain 35% pass marks in this paper. | Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Final order of merit shall be determined in accordance with highest marks secured in the Paper –II. No candidate securing zero or negative marks in Paper –II shall form part of the merit list. In case the marks of two or more candidates are equal, then the candidate securing more marks in Paper -I will be placed above the candidate securing less marks in the same. In case the marks of Paper -I are also equal, then the candidate who is older in age will be placed above the candidate younger in age. In case the age is also same then the candidate having more marks in the essential qualification examination will be placed above the candidate having less marks |
50 Question | 100 Question |
100 Marks | 100 Marks |
There will be an Offline Test (objective type Multiple Choice Questions) using OMR Answer Sheet. Each question will be followed by four (A, B, C & D) options. There shall be negative marking and the candidates will have to blacken with blue/black ball pen the option, in OMR answer sheet, which he/she thinks is correct. In case the candidate does not want to answer a question to avoid negative marking, he/she shall have to blacken the option ‘E’. If none of the options is blackened, it will also result in negative marking as under:
(a) For each question for which a wrong answer has been given, one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(b) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer, even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question also i.e. one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(c) If a question is left un-attempted i.e. no option is blackened by the candidate, there will be same penalty as above for that question also i.e. one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(d) Where there are two correct answers instead of one correct answer out of four options (A,B,C,D) of a question, all those candidates, who will blacken any one of these two correct answers will be awarded marks allotted to that question.
Note-I:- In respect of the scrapped question(s) no credit to appeared candidates shall be given and passing marks will accordingly be proportionally reduced.
Note-II:- Re-checking / re-evaluation will not be allowed in any case.
Note-III:- In case of bilingual Question papers, if there is any difference in English and Hindi version of the question and answer option or any other mistake, the English version shall be treated as correct and final.
Syllabus | CLICK HERE |
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