HPPSC Plant Engineer Rejection List 2022
||HPPSC Plant Engineer Rejection List 2022||HPPSC Shimla Plant Engineer Rejection List 2022||
List of provisionally rejected candidates for the post of Plant Engineer, Class-II (on contract basis) in the pay scale of Rs.10300-34800/-+Rs.5000/-Grade Pay in Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited under the Department of Animal Husbandry, H.P.. These post(s) were advertised vide advertisement No. 41/05-2022 dated: 19.05.2022. Note:- The representation, if any, against the proposed rejection should reach the office of the Commission by 02.01.2023 alongwith requisite supporting documents, in the name of The Secretary, H.P. Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002 failing which no representation will be entertained thereafter.
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