HPPSC Principal (College Cadre)Final Result 2023:-Based on the API Score in PBAS and Personality Test conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission for the post of Principal (College Cadre), Class-I Gazetted (on regular basis) in the Department of Higher Education, H.P. following is the list of candidates, in order of merit, who are being recommended for the said appointment/post :
HPPSC Principal (College Cadre) Personality Test Result 2023

The appointment of candidates being recommended is subject to verification of their documents /certificates by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh.
2. The result is also available on Commission’s website at www.hppsc.gov.in/ hppsc 3. The Result of Two Posts (Un-reserved category-one +Reserved for OBC-one) will be declared after the final outcome of CWPs No. 8838 of 2023, 8918 of 2023, 9042 of 2023, 9334 of 2023 & 10780 of 2023.
4. The above result & order of merit contained therein are provisional and subject to outcome of the aforesaid CWPs. Although every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent/ technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
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