HPPSC Shimla Assistant Engineer (Executive Trainee Mechanical) at E-2 level Personality Test Result 2022
|HPPSC Shimla Assistant Engineer (Executive Trainee Mechanical) at E-2 level Personality Test Result 2022||HPPSC Shimla Assistant Engineer (Executive TraineeMechanical) at E-2 level Personality Test Result 2022||
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission today declared the result of Personality Test for recruitment to the post(s) of Assistant Engineer (Executive TraineeMechanical) at E-2 level (on contract basis) in the Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited under the Department of MPP & Power, H.P. conducted w.e.f. 28.11.2022 to 30.11.2022. The name(s) of following candidate(s) are being recommended to the Government of Himachal Pradesh {in the concerned Department(s)/ Corporation(s)} for appointment to these post(s):-
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