HPPSC Shimla CBT schedule 2021
||HPPSC Shimla Computer Based Test schedule 2021||HPPSC Shimla Exam Date 2021||
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct the Computer based Test (CBTs) for the following post(s) as per schedule given below:-
The e-Admit Card and instructions to the candidates have been uploaded on Commissions website www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc and the concerned candidates have also been informed through SMS/ emails on their respective Cellular Nos. /e-mail ID(s) provided by them in their respective Online Recruitment Application Form. Therefore, all the provisionally admitted candidates are advised to download their e-admit card(s) alongwith instructions to the candidates from the above mentioned website and bring the e-admit cards in the examination centre on the day of examination and no candidates will be allowed to appear in the Examination without e-admit cards. In case of any enquiry the candidates can contact Commissions office on any working day from 10:00 AM to 5:00PM on telephone No.0177- 2624313, 0177- 2629739 and Toll free No.1800-180-8004. The candidates coming to H. P. from other States /UTs are also requested to registered themselves through COVID E – REGISTRATION SOFTWARE by clicking on the link: https://covid19epass.hp.gov.in/