HPPSC Shimla- Traffic Manager(TM) Exam Syllabus
- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE(State,National,International,Current Affairs ):- 50 Marks
Suggested Books for Himachal Gk :-
- Himachal 2019-20 by G.K. pub(English)
- Himachal G.k by Akash Publication (Hindi)
- Himachal Gk Ebook Most Important Questions by Himexam
Suggested Books For National Gk In hindi
- Bharat Darpan By Luxmi Publication(covers indian history,economy,politics,economy,gk,sports,science,geography india or international )
Suggested Books for National Gk In English
- Central Motor Vechile Acts :- 20 Marks
Suggested Books :-
- Motor vechile acts by commercial law publisher
- English Grammer:-10 Marks
Suggested Books:-
- Hindi Grammer By Lucent
- Finacial Management
Suggested Books :-
- Finacial Management by macgraw hill
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