HPSCB Assistant Manager Exam Syllabus


 HPSCB Assistant Manager Exam Syllabus

|| HPSCB Assistant Manager Exam Syllabus|| HP State Cooperative Board Asstt Manager Exam pattern||

The level of examination and syllabus for examination shall be in accordance with the minimum level of educational qualification criteria provided for the post. The minimum level of educational qualification for the post of Assistant Manager is a second class graduation degree of a recognized University with minimum 50% marks.

Total marks for Phase-I (Preliminary Examination): The Phase-I (Preliminary Examination) will be of 100 marks which shall be qualifying in nature. The merit obtained by candidate in Phase-I (Preliminary Examination) will not be considered while preparing final merit list. 

 Total marks for Phase-II (Main Examination) & Interview process:The marks for Phase-II (Main Examination) shall be 200 marks. The interview of candidates declared successful in Phase-II (Main Examination), shall be of 20 marks as per the provisions provided under Bank’s Service Rules. 

 Merit of written examination/test: The overall minimum qualifying marks (Cut Off) in the online examination i.e. preliminary as well as main examination shall be 50% of total marks prescribed for written test. However, the Bank reserves the right to relax/extend the eligibility standard in respect of minimum prescribed marks in Online examination, in order to enhance / restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, based on performance in the Online examination and to commensurate with the number of vacancies. 

Duration of written Test:The duration for phase-I (Preliminary examination) shall be 1 hour and for Phase-II (Main examination) the duration shall be of 3 hours as mentioned above. 


i. For every wrong answer, 0.25% marks shall be deducted. In the online examination the question paper shall be of objective type multiple choice providing 5 alternates as answers. The question paper shall be both in English and Hindi. 

ii. The ibid recruitment process will consist of two stages i.e. online examination (Phase-I & Phase-II examination) and Interview process as per the laid down criteria under Bank’s Service Rules. The candidates declared successful in Phase-II (Main Examination) will be called for interview process by the Bank at later stage. Final selection will be on the basis of marks of Phase-II (Main Examination) and marks secured by the candidate in Interview process. 

iii. Final merit of the candidates applying will be decided on the basis of total marks obtained in the Main Examination (Phase-II) and marks allotted to them in the interview. 

iv. Preference shall be given to the candidates possessing knowledge of Customs, traditions, languages and culture of the State and the test shall also include questions on the subject. 

v. Only those candidates who secure at least 50% marks in the Phase-II (Main Examination) will be shortlisted for Interview as per the prescribed ratio. However, the Bank reserves the right to relax/extend the eligibility standard in respect of minimum prescribed marks in Online examination, in order to enhance / restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, based on performance in the Online examination and to commensurate with the number of vacancies.

|| HPSCB Assistant Manager Exam Syllabus|| HP State Cooperative Board Asstt Manager Exam pattern||

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