HPSEB JE(Electrical) Recruitment 2022


 HPSEB JE(Electrical) Recruitment 2022

||HPSEB JE(Electrical) Recruitment 2022||Himachal Pradesh state Electricity Board  Junior Engineer(Electrical) jobs Notification & Online Application Form 2022||

Applications on the prescribed format are invited for filling up the following 18 Nos. Class- Ill posts of Junior Engineer (Electrical) from the persons with disability (above or equal 40%) on contract basis in the pay scale of Rs. 10900-34800+ Rs.4350 Grade Pay, Candidates who are Bonafide Himachali and possess the requisite qualification as shown under can apply. The desirous candidates can submit their application in the following office through Ordinary/Registered/Speed post on or before 23.06.2022 (till 5 PM) and the candidates residing in Distt. Lahaul&Sipiti, Distt Kinnaur, Pangi and Bhamour Sub Division of Chamba Distt. and Dodra Kwar Sub Division of Shimla Distt. of H.P, the last date of receipt of application is 30.06.2022 ( till 5 PM). The HPSEBL will not be responsible for delay in receipt of application due to any reasons whatsoever. 

1. The Chief Engineer (OP) North, HPSEBL, Dharamshala Distt Kangra 176215.(H.P) Phone number 01892-224907. 

2. No application shall be entertained after the due date.

HPSEB JE(Electrical) Recruitment 2022

Qualification Required The applicant should be Diploma or Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical & Electronic Engineering from a recognized Board/Institution/University, established by law by the State/Central Govt. OR AMIE from Institution of Engineers(India) (only those candidates who are enrolled for AMIE with the Institute of Engineer(India) Kolkata with permanent recognition upto 31.05.2013) would be eligible. 


1.Knowledge of customs manner and dialects of HP and suitability for appointment in peculiars conditions prevailing in the “State”. 

2. The applicant must be a Bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh.

 3. The applicant should not less than 18 years and not more than 45 years as on the last date of receipt of application. Provided further that upper age limit is relaxable for SC,ST,OBC to the extent permissible in accordance with the instruction issued by the H.P Govt. from time to time.. 

Mode of Selection. The total selection process is of 30 marks with following distribution.

 1. Weightage of essential educational qualification % of marks obtained would be divided by 10= 10 marks 

2. Weightage for maximum disabilities as certified by the Medical Board/Authorities. (40% to 59 %-2 marks) (60% to 79%-4 marks) (80% to 100 %=6 marks). 

3. Weightage for maximum additional qualification % of marks obtained would be divided by 25= 4 marks. 

4. Belonging to notified backward Area/ Panchayat = 1 mark. 

5. Land less family/family having land less than 1 Hectare to be certified by the concerned Revenue Authority=1mark 

6. Non-employment Certificate to the effect that none of the family member is in Govt./Semi Govt Service 1 Mark

7. BPL Family having family annual income from all sources below 40,000/- =2 marks. 

8.Widow/divorced/destitute/Single women=1 mark. 

 9. Single daughter/Orphan=1 mark. 

10. Training of at least 6 months duration related to the post applied for from a recognized University/Institute=1 mark.

 11. Experience up maximum of 5 years in Govt-/semi Govt organization relating to the post applied 0.4 marks for each completed years. 

Application form:- Application form can be downloaded from the official website of HPSEBL i.e www.hpseb.com No other application will be accepted. 

 Documents(Self attested photocopies only) to be sent with the application form

  • Matric Certificate showing details of marks obtained. 
  •  Diploma or Degree Certificate in Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 
  • SC/ST/BPL Certificate and Bonafide Certificate. 
  •  All the relevant certificate (As applicable) issue by competent authority as mentioned in part 5 Evaluation Criteria of 30 marks photocopies should be attached.
  •  One pass port size resent photograph of the candidate (duly signed by the applicant) pasted on prescribed box in the application form. 

Other terms and conditions. 

1. The appointment on contract basis will be initially for one year, which could be extended further depending the recruitment of the service of such appointee However, their service can be terminated even prior to the completion of contract period by issuing of one month notice or payment of one month wages in lieu of notice as per rules. 

2. Contract appointees will not have any right to claim regularization or permanent absorption in HPSEBL. 

3. The candidate must apply on prescribed form. 

4. The candidate will must fulfill all the required essential educational and other qualifications on the last date fix for the receipt of application form. 

5. The applicant shall write his/her name as per the matriculation certificate in the relevant column of the application. 

6. Incomplete application forms, not signed, without photo, column not filled in and application received after due date shall be rejected state way without assigning any reason. 

7.No. Change shall be allowed after last date of receipt of application form i.e SC to OBC/ST etc. vice versa. 

8.The validity of IRDP/BPL certificate is of six months from the date of its issuance, the candidate are required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/her claim. 

9.The candidate belonging to OBC category are required to produce OBC certificate, which should not more 2 years old at the time of last date fixed for last date of application, along with latest affidavit duly attested by the authority authorized under the Indian Oath Act stating that his/her status as OBC has not changed and that they are not excluded from the category of OBC on account of being covered under creamy layer. Such certificate should be based on the lineage of parental family. The validity of certificate is required to be seen at the time of scrutinizing. 

10.The candidate must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience age and essential qualification(s) etc as mentioned in the advertisement to avoid rejection at any later stage. 

11.This advertisement is also available on the website of HPSEBL. i.e. www.hpseb.com.



Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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