HPSSC Junior Draughtsman (Electrical) Exam Syllabus
||HPSSC Junior Draughtsman (Electrical) Exam Syllabus||HPSSSB Hamirpur Junior Draughtsman (Electrical) Exam Pattern||
Exam Syllabus
Objective type screening test consisting of 170 Multiple Choice Questions from:-
i) Subject(s)/field(s) concerned prescribed as essential qualification(s) in the R&P Rules and as notified in the advertisement. =120 questions
ii) General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Logic, Social Science, General English & General Hindi of Matric standard. = 50 questions
Essential Qualifications as per R&P Rules.
Diploma or Degree in Architectural Assistantship/Architecture by whatever name called from a recognized Board/Institution/University established by law by the State/Central Govt. OR Course in the trade of Draughtsman ship/Diploma in Draughtsman ship by whatever name called from a Polytechnic Institute/ITI.
Read More: – Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge